thethirdi · 9 years ago
Go fuck yourself no one cares...
deleted · 9 years ago
Don't we already do that?
rwby_rose · 9 years ago
Why don't you slip into something more a coma.
rwby_rose · 9 years ago
Maybe we do,but if so,I haven't noticed
deleted · 9 years ago
You're so down to earth! Now lets make it 6ft under!
otamega · 9 years ago
Did it hurt when you fell? Did it hurt when you fell outta someone's butt into the toilet you piece of shit?
hunterdunovant · 9 years ago
You're the kind of person people enjoy running into... when they're driving.
otamega · 9 years ago
You remind me why I don't have faith in humanity
timebender25 · 9 years ago
You: Hello!
Me: Shut up. >:(
rwby_rose · 9 years ago
Pfttt,all your roasts are like your personalities.. dangerously pathetic.
deleted · 9 years ago
This scared me so much when i first read it. the first thing that popped into my mind was people cooking each other
rwby_rose · 9 years ago
Haha,I can assure you that nobody's getting cooked!
otamega · 9 years ago
*sweats furiously*
Yeah... No one is totally getting cooked right now
randomfandomgirl · 9 years ago
Where did you get that from?
otamega · 9 years ago
Nah your mom took it from your closet, that's why I look like I a low life.
By the way, you dropped something. *picks up a piece* It was your dignity.