guest_ · 5 years ago
Yes. I’ve had a couple and talked to others as well. It’s different for everyone, and each time. My first one was one of the most painless experiences I’ve had at a dentist and was easier than most fillings I’d had. The second was with another dentist and was very unpleasant but not unbearable. Don’t sweat it too much either way. It’s not fun, and your diet is restricted for a few days after, but I wouldn’t say it’s anything to get worried over. You go in, get numbed up, and they do their dentist thing. An hour or so later you leave a little sore and unable to eat hard solids. You’ll likely get a prescription for some pain medication, if you take it BEFORE you feel pain and then dose on a schedule you’ll be better off than if you wait to see if you actually need it or not. But either way the worst root canal is only going to be a week of noticeable discomfort max.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Smoothie King if you can find one. Comin through in the clutch!
lihea · 5 years ago
I've also had one done and it wasn't painful for me. I didn't need meds after, either.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Guest_ pretty well sums it up. I had one done, and I don't even fully remember most of it. It was no worse than other procedures I've had, and for me, personally, the recovery was far easier than wisdom teeth removal. I DO remember taking tylonel like water prior to it, though, which is what will be the likely end result of postponing the procedure. If you're feeling concerned, you should talk to your dentist beforehand so you can feel more comfortable about what will be happening
king_me · 5 years ago
I am smooth @funkmasterrex do I count?
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Oh god... Wisdom teeth removal was, by far, the worst experience ever encountered by my mouth. Having, literally, fucking holes in the back of your mouth is awful. It doesn't help that I'm addicted to cigarettes... so healing was a bitch.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I can only imagine how that must've gone. Did you end up using patches?
I had the fun experience of my dentist assistant giving me a little care bag, informing me not to use anything in it until they called me, and then never calling me... I was pretty out of it from all the drugs, swollen up like a chipmunk that had been stung by a bee, and not in any state of mind to question them about it, but by the end of three days I had food rotting in the holes and was pretty anxious/fucking done with the "hole" thing. Ended up calling them and they apologized and explained what I was supposed to do..
king_me · 5 years ago
Yeah wisdom removal sucked. I'm half lucky that I didn't do all 4 at once but that also means I had to go twice. Still thought the first time I didn't eat any solid foods for 3 days straight and I lost a quite a bit of weight because of it.
laughwendylaugh · 5 years ago
I've had my wisdom teeth removed and I highly recommend eating baby food to help you feel satisfied and to get enough nutrition...but not the meat ones. Yuk! Then move up to canned food (stew, pasta in tomato sauce, etc). Not the best food choices but I found it made me feel better.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Nah I just pummeled my way through the inevitable dry socket lol
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Also traded the codine for some weed. >_>
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
and yeah... I bent a paperclip into a long paperclip and then bent and end so it looked like this: C>--------<O and basically picked out any particles from the bottom back holes. The top two I never really had any problems with.
animallover14 · 5 years ago
I had a root canal done on my front tooth and honestly the needles for anaesthetic was the worst part. Other than the noises which as a bit concerning (but nothing to worry about) it was fine!! I just has a numb face for a few hours :)
xandri · 5 years ago
Root canals are pretty painless, usually just some soreness afterwards. Ibuprofen is the best med to take because it's an anti-inflammatory and most dental pain is due to inflammation. It actually works better than the hydrocodone or tylenol #3 that most dentists give. Try not to take those unless absolutely necessary. It's incredibly easy to become dependent on opiates.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Hydrocodone, that's what it was. forgot the name. Anyway, yeah... screw that crap.