under_fire · 5 years ago
tv shows? for sure. They aren't very well executed imo
guest_ · 5 years ago
DC needs to wait outside and horenall the marvel people Disney fires. But in seriousness: I’ve found most of the marvel shows to be good. The fake I see is a flaw that’s common to me in American TV. They take a premise that is either novel, or clever, or interesting- then it gets popular and they either drag out a season or less story in to 2+, or they blow through it and hit all the notes in the right time, but then carry on for additional seasons last when the story really needed to stop. Some characters are very lovable in a snap shot, but after the moment is gone we need to let them fade to “happily ever after” (or the opposite), and start a new story. That’s the marvel TV show sin. Great stories watered down or pull past the point they had anything relevant to say.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I've never watched a DC tv show since the DCEU started (I did watch like half of Smallville)... so I can't comment on them. I've seen every Marvel show besides Runaways. Marvel is doing great besides Inhumans (seriously the worst TV show I've ever watched... and I'm surprised the CIA hasn't started using it as psychological torture yet)... and the fact they most are set a few years behind the MCU and don't connect more. I personally hope they keep making them; some superheroes and villains are just better suited for TV. The other beef I have with Marvel TV is not just focusing on one platform. It's a pain in the ass to actually watch all the shows (which is why I haven't watched Runaways... because I obviously want to watch a velociraptor).
flyingoctopus · 5 years ago
DC does pretty good animated shows. Marvel tries to to good live action but they rely on repeated flashbacks that aren't really necessary. Especially as the company specializes in superheroes, they take their sweet time actually supering.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I enjoy avengers assemble though
deleted · 5 years ago
DC should definitely stop with their live action shows unless they come up with a good one. Marvel is good with live action but lacks in the area of animated. They do have shows but they are not as great as DC's animated shows.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Earth's Mightiest Heroes > Avengers Assemble... and it's not close.
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
Some of the periphery stuff is really good. I love Legion because it's a show willing to be purposefully offputting, and so far Cloak and Dagger is much better than it has any right to be.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I can't remember if I've seen earth's mightiest heroes. Can you explain it to me?
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
There is too much to explain.... I'd recommend just googling it. You should be able to tell if you've seen it by the animation style i'd assume.
Yeah Legion is DOOOOPE. Cloak and Dagger is great, what Cloak did to that cop in episode 8... lol mind fucked the shit outta him. The Gifted is also pretty dang good.