natethegreat · 5 years ago
I'm most definitely gonna run you dumbfucks over as soon as the light turns green. (Green means GO!) I don't give a fuck about your opinion/cause/etc...
If you get hurt or die, it's all your dumbass fault, you fucking idiots.
Don't block the fucking road.
deleted · 5 years ago
Honestly yeah
Kinda idiotic to do so
I mean we all have places to be
celticrose · 5 years ago
Why the hell do they think they have the right to screw with everyone else's lives by pulling this crap?
guest_ · 5 years ago
North Dakota, North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Rhode Island, and Texas all have had or currently have pending legislation in recent years to essentially make it legal to hit protestors in the road. Details vary by state, but Most are specific in that the vehicle driver must not use extreme force or hit them in a way that is intentionally malicious. The overall gist of the Bills is that if protestors without a legal permit to block a roadway do so, and get hit by a car that is either engaged in the normal practice of driving and was unable to stop or didn’t see them- or was blocked in and drove at very low speeds that would allow the protestors to see their intent to travel and move out of the way; the liability for injury falls on the person blocking the road, and the burden of proof shifts to the person hit if they want to bring legal action- in other words they have to prove the person who injured them was trying to do so and not just trying to drive while they stood in the way.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
What are they even protesting?
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Yeah, you can't just gun it from 0-60 bro... just keep inching forward until you get through.
@xvarnah I think it's about demolishing ICE... I'm not sure though...
pokethebear · 5 years ago
I have relatives in ICE. They’re worth a heck of a lot more than these dumb ass open border dipshits.
infosubstance · 5 years ago
when the black lives matter protests and riots were getting bigger one of the road block protests actually prevented an ambulance from getting through and cost someone their life, I hope the people protesting that day were sued by the family honestly.
popsy · 5 years ago
You have no idea what a mob of people will do.Reginald Denny was pulled out of his truck and beaten nearly to death. It's better to be judged by 12 than carried by six. Restricting someone's freedom of movement is reason enough to run them over. They surround you, unload on them. Sorry if it sounds cold.
infosubstance · 5 years ago
Someone did this, I dont know if anyone will remember but last year during one of the protests, someone tried to get through and they surrounded his truck and started beating it and trying to pull him out, in an attempt to escape he drove further into the line of protesters and injured a few of them, however the media focused on the part where he drove into the crowd and injured the protesters rather than the part where the protesters were damaging his truck, attempting to hurt him and provoked the response. I dont know what ended up happening to the man since I cannot find the article (there have been many instances where people drive their cars into crowds so its difficult for me to find this specific one) but I do remember lots of hate for him on different social medias. So while I agree with this thread, I also want to remind the people taking this seriously to be careful because the media picks a side and sticks with it.
tl/dr: be careful cause media probs wont take your side
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Seems the moral of the story is, protest if you want, but stay off the goddamn road. The people you're blocking are probably not the ones you're trying to rise up against in the first place
diyrogue · 5 years ago
That's why they've started bringing children to their protests
guest_ · 5 years ago
When you find yourself holding the lives of other people, people with no, or only casual relation to your issue, hostage- when you are using harassment and force to physically impede the daily lives of others under threat or promise to remove threat based on them caving to your demands- you find yourself on ideological grounds with terrorists. The only missing component is violence or implication of violence. When you begin to use children and other innocent people as human shields- you should really reevaluate your position. Peaceful assembly and civil disobedience are necessities of feeedom until we find a better way as humans. They have helped in great campaigns against injustice. That said- picture a group you dislike using these tactics many “protestors” are using, such as if NAMBLA was to barricade the streets of America. The response and perception of an action shouldn’t be based on how we feel about the cause, but by how the people involved act.
deleted · 5 years ago
Yeah if you need to use children as a political campaign, you have some internal issues going on.