hatawa · 5 years ago
Sounds like it hasn’t been toned. Go buy a toning purple shampoo or conditioner and when you use it, leave it in for 10-15 minutes and it should correct it. How that helps
mrsdonut · 5 years ago
It won't work. Browns tend to come out green now. Go to a salon!! Spend the money. A lot of hair color won't even take on your hair and will wash out quickly. You can do manic panic stuff and it will be pretty vibrant. Greens, blues, reds. But your real option is to grow it out. A salon can make it actual blonde or at least help get you to a more normal color. (also, bleaching your hair too much makes you bald) speaking from experience
guest_ · 5 years ago
You should probably wait. Bleaching is hard on hair to start, so giving it a little time to recover is a good idea anyway- a week is best, but at least a few days. In that time deep treat and hydrate/condition your hair, and allow the chemicals a chance to be completely gone and the effects to minimize. The other reason to wait is because your hair is “open” right after bleaching. Dyes will tend to saturate it more. This can help longevity and intensity, but it can also further damage hair and make it harder to change colors later. Ok, maybe you aren’t worried about any of that. The last reason is relevant to your question though-because freshly bleached hair is “open” and dye penetrates better, the color will tend to look darker. If you want a lighter or subtle color, it may not come out how you want. You might like the surprise, or not. So it’s a risk. Using dyes without activator aks “semi permanent” dyes are better to use if you can’t wait after bleaching, they won’t penetrate....
parisqeen · 5 years ago
I don't want to go back to a salon just because I spent a lot on this already. It was toned, they used a toner specifically to get it more "natural" but I should've asked for a toner to make it more white/silver. I don't want to bleach it anymore (tbh I didn't want to do it in the first place but hey, it's done now). If I could I'd go back to my natural dark brown colour so I'll see what I can do, thanks for the advice though guys.
guest_ · 5 years ago
... hair as deeply so the color should be closer to what you see on the sample, and song fabace as much. But try and wait 3-7 days furst and care for your hair in between. Long run it should work out better. You may even end up liking the blonde- maybe not, but you’ll know for sure and have a better chance with the next color. If you have healthy hair, don’t dye often or do heat treatments,perms,etc. the “damage” probably won’t matter much to you and you can color right away however. But the safe bet is wait as said before. Your hair won’t melt or turn Neon or anything if you don’t though. But you should.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
I know I should wait but you know when you feel like you're not a person you want to be? Hair shouldn't be that big of a deal but it's making me emotional haha
This is the first time I've done anything to my hair other than cut it so I think I'll ring up a different salon, ask their advice and see what I can do.
laughwendylaugh · 5 years ago
I would wait a few days before doing anything to it. As previously mentioned, bleaching can really damage your hair. Giving it a few days to recover could actually prevent your hair from falling out depending on how damaged it was in the first place.
I think you're feeling so emotional is because we tend to hide behind our hair and you can no longer hide. I shaved my head a few years ago (like, a number 2) and I really noticed it.
guest_ · 5 years ago
I can completely understand. It doesn’t matter if it’s 5 minutes or 500, if you aren’t comfortable you aren’t. No one wants to feel that way one moment longer than they have to. The key though is to not act rashly to try and speed up a solution. If you’re hungry, and have some pork- you can decide that you can’t bear the hunger. You can throw it on a rock in the sun for a little and eat it. Might be fine. You also might get parasites. Sometimes trying to alleviate discomfort quickly results in more later, if you can give it at least a few days you’ll be playing safer than if you rush in. But if a professional you trust tells you they can fix it sooner, that may work well. But just don’t be rash. It sucks, but a few days wait for a color you’ll have a few months... why go through all this to get another color job you won’t like, and will be even harder or impossible to change at that point? Deep breaths. It will be ok. You won’t be blonde much longer. It can and will be fixed.
silvermyth · 5 years ago
Maybe try olaplex
babyshark · 5 years ago
My sister did the same thing and it took a long time for it to be the way she liked again (sorry). A professional hair stylist is worth doing, it may be expensive but your hair isn't going to be a simple dye job.
deleted · 5 years ago
@parisqueen I'd advise to not use purple toning shampoo etc straight away is where your hair is very porous right now it may not go how you'd like it to. As everyone else said use deep conditioning mask for a week and then call a hair salon. Please don't try fix it yourself, trust me.
this_isntme · 5 years ago
How about you just wash your hair in your normal shampoo and look in the mirror and say"Hey, I know you.." And move forward. It's gonna grow out. It's gonna change color. But this is you.
rosalinas · 5 years ago
It's best to let it rest for a while before you make your hair to through more chemicals
And ofc, you can be emotional about your hair. It's hair! It's a big deal
I got my hair done before and it wasn't that bad but I felt like the world was coming to an end cause who am I without my hair of goddess
But hair grows back so with time, it'll be okay
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Nah it's all good, thank you all for your input and advice. I went to a professional the next day and got it dyed a deep brown (darker than my natural) I talked to her about it first and she said colouring wouldn't be damaging at all. It's not damaged because semi-permanent dye was used which is conditioning and a treatment was put in so it's actually better than it was before. She said my bleached hair was actually surprisingly really healthy anyway. I didn't and wouldn't fix it myself, hair is complicated. I appreciate those of you saying "it's hair, it'll grow just deal with it", cause you're right it will grow yadda yadda but I don't want to look in the mirror and feel like I'm portraying someone I don't want to be. Now I'm happy, it's all fixed. I learnt a valuable lesson and I won't be doing anything to my hair anytime soon.