flyingoctopus · 5 years ago
timebender25 · 5 years ago
Emotional bullshit. Mostly trying to work through my problems and fix them.
It's left me incredibly sour because what I had been working on for the past few months ended up not actually being a problem, but merely a subset of a much larger, completely different problem.
In short. Many months of wasted effort trying to better myself.
flyingoctopus · 5 years ago
Bettering oneself requires acknowledge the problems you want to fix. You
re already halfway there. Break down your problems ad manage them bit by bit. Don't expect your first attempt to be the right one, symphonies take time, and oneself is the most complex symphony of them all.
timebender25 · 5 years ago
I'm always halfway there. Then I try to work on it and get almost there.
But it's never the right fuckin' thing. And my progress always zips back to 0. Every fucking god damn time.
No matter what I do or who I ask for help, it always mother fucking happens.
jasonmon · 5 years ago
Emotional stuff is the worst because your progress won't be linear. You'll be all over the place sometimes and other times it feels like your stagnant or falling backwards. I've found that guys have periodic times they'll be more emotional just like girls...meaning like every four weeks or so you'll go through a period where you want to irrationally punch a wall or stare at nothing and feel like sh*t. When you're there, do something simple like walk and listen to music, or breathe deeply and flex every muscle group in your body starting with your calves and working up through your thighs, butt, stomach, back, shoulders, and neck and you'll feel more centered. Once you're there, you'll be able to engage to the main problem with a more zen mindset.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Can you be a little more specific? You don't have to but it might have give more helpful advice.
I think mindset is one of the most difficult things to change and often something that if changed can help a great deal. To me, you sound like you believe that everything you're doing is pointless once you think that you're "back to the start". Although it may feel like that to you, that's not the case at all. Anything you do, anything at all is making a change, you will never go back to "the start" or how you were before, every effort you make to change IS changing you, maybe in little amounts but it is doing something. Progress is not an upward line, it doesn't get better than keep getting better, it wavers and dips and plateaus. The fact you've even acknowledged you want to change and what to change, then made efforts to do so is progress. Every time you think about changing, it's progress. I think sometimes ones mindset about what progress is and what being "better" is or will feel
parisqeen · 5 years ago
like can damage what the actual progress. You're doing a good job, you need to give yourself more credit and if one method doesn't work, either try again or change it up. First, allow yourself to make mistakes, you're only human.
timebender25 · 5 years ago
Well the way I'm curently working on things is by use of an arbitrary self-definition system.

I look at the arbitrary title I fall under, then look at the arbitrary title I aspire to. The one I want to be under.
Then I work until I feel I've made the move. Changed titles, basically. Become the type of person I want to be.

But my system is horribly flawed. By the basic fact that the arbitrary systems I use are just that. Arbitrary.

I don't really care about changing stunningly major things about myself. Not stuff like, who I am as a person in my core. I'm fine with that part of me.
I care about changing the more, energetic sides of me. The worst of the habits, the least enjoyable of the mindest.

Though there are a few deep rooted parts of me that need changes. Like, the way I function as a human being just instictually fights the grain of societal functions.
You know what my deep rooted motivator is? The thing that gets me learning the most, living the most?
timebender25 · 5 years ago
It's not having anyone or anything to answer to. Not having an overbearing expectation placed upon me.
timebender25 · 5 years ago
That's a hella dangerous mindset in society. It will tear me apart if I don't deal with it.
timebender25 · 5 years ago
It will get me to tear MYSELF apart.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
I don't think it'll tear you a part, in fact deep down I think most of us like not having work to do or not having worry about anyone or anything. It's not an extremely uncommon mindset, although not the best, it's certainly not the worst. In fact, I'd say there's this age gap (starts at around 17) where most people feel that way, no wanting to progress in fear of expectations and responsibility but not wanting to regress and be dependant all their lives. I think you are overthinking things, a lot. I think you should start by narrowing your view, focus more on just "yourself" not "yourself amongst and involved in society". You will never fall under or be one specific title, titles and labels can kill you. They GIVE you expectations. Labels make you feel like you need to act a specific way in order to fit with that label, you are never one label. No body is. If you want to change you need to focus on one thing at a time, a simple thing, like a habit (one you mentioned).
parisqeen · 5 years ago
It will be slow and even if you "break" your progress, it isn't ruined. Just keep going and accept that mistake or that fall back but don't let it make you feel like everything you did up to that point is pointless. That's what is going to ruin you and make you stop moving forward. Have you got a psychologist or someone you talk to?