lordhornasstr · 5 years ago
Cats look at your eyes. Blinking slowly or half closing your eyes tell the cat that YOU trust it so much that you are ready to close your vision to her. Something she reciprocates. Widening eyes imply you are taking in your surroundings as you prepare to hunt! And the cat thinks you are going to hunt it. Check out cats when they hunt pigeons -- their eyes will be widened. Don't let the cat think you're hunting it.
guest_ · 5 years ago
You gotta pay close attention and even then it’s hard. If the ears are forward or up, it’s more likely kitty is playing. Hair bristled, ears back? Probably fighting. In a real fight cats tend to lean back and “stretch” to swipe, in play fighting they keep their weight forward. A cat that is playing will seldom hiss or growl. Most cats (some are gentler than others, and ones that didn’t get socialization time with other cats/kittens are often worse,) won’t try to really hurt when playing. They may get carried away or misjudge their strength, but they will mostly keep their claws sheathed and not use them much or at all. They’ll bite but not extremely hard. These are all signs that a cat is playing vs fighting, but all cats are a little different, so these aren’t “rules” as much as guides. Pay close attention. Animals dominate through small details of posture and action. Also remember cats are not dogs and do not respond to the same training or behaviors.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
These two responses are pretty thorough ^
Although I'm a little curious what you mean by "hunch." If a cat arches it's back high in the middle, it's either stretching, or trying to make itself look bigger/more intimidating. If by hunch you mean she gets low to the ground and kind of bunches up with the hunch being less pronounced and more towards the back, it's likely just getting ready to pounce
fell_equinox · 5 years ago
Watching the tail is a good sign. If they're pissed they'll swish their tails aggressively
jd1984 · 5 years ago
If it draws blood, its mad.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Also can depend on whether the cat has been socialized or not. Ones that haven't been socialized well, especially when theyre young, have more difficulty differentiating between fighting and playing and are more likely to be play in a more aggressive manner
mrfahrenheit · 5 years ago
You can never know. You are already dead.
deleted · 5 years ago
I've got a similar question.
My cat, while I'm rubbing him will bite me. No blood has ever been drawn, but it really fucking hurts. He also does this to wake me up if meowing or scratching(yes in that order) doesnt work. Why tho?
guest_ · 5 years ago
@serpsenpai- it’s most likely feline aggression. Cats can exhibit all types of feline aggression and that is one. When being pet (belly seems most common), they will suddenly attack. The truth is there are many theories but no singular paragon theory. In general it’s believed that the cat either does it as a signal “I’m done now.” Or it feels overstimulated, and like many people can sometimes behave in inappropriate or irritating outbursts when overstimulated (think of fans hooting or instinctively hollering when at an event or swing a celebrity, or when two partners are touching and one may get too excited and hurt the other with a bite/hug/slap/etc. that is too hard.) As for the wake up- cats are dicks. Lovely little dicks, but still dicks. The little dick wants food or attention, and will do whatever it feels necessary to get it. The 1st problem can be worked on through behavioral therapy and compromise. The 2nd problem is basically live with it, or keep/teach the cat to stay away
guest_ · 5 years ago
While you’re in bed.
deleted · 5 years ago
Oh okay, thx.