silvermyth · 5 years ago
What do you mean by get into tea? And it's always nice to grow your own and use that. Mint is fairly easy to manage and makes a nice tea.
lnorthstar · 5 years ago
Constant comment tea by Bigelow is very flavorful, and has always been one of my favorites. If you're looking to substitute coffee, buy a black tea that you can add milk and sugar or honey to, and brew it strong. Don't run out and by something super expensive, like artisan loose leaf, if you don't think you'll drink it. Start with the cheaper bags and as you learn all the different varieties (black, green, white, herbal) then start looking at some of the specialty blends. Or find an herb book and buy loose herbs and tea to mix your own!
unicycle · 5 years ago
I would recommend going to a tea shop in your area where you can sample different kinds of tea. From there you can figure out whether you prefer black, green, white, etc. teas that are fruity, herbal, strong, sweet, etc. In general, loose leaf tea is better than bagged and more expensive teas generally taste better than the cheapest option. There are lots of opinions on how hot the water should be and how long to leave the tea in, so if you're a complete novice you might want to look at a tutorial and fiddle around to see what you prefer.
sm19 · 5 years ago
I know it's a hell of a while away, but David's Tea has a tea advent calendar they sell during Christmas. Perfect way to sample like 24 teas from black, fruit infusions, p'ur, etc. My tip is go on boxing day when they're like 20$.
guest_ · 5 years ago
I have to agree with unicycle. The first thing to do is to avoid going full tilt and buying a bunch of tea paraphernalia. Wait until you know what you like or appreciate in tea, or if you even want to go that far. Some people are fine with bagged tea, tea snobs would have them committed, but like wine, we like what we like, and tastes can change. Sample teas of different types and flavors. See if there are any tea clubs, shops. Or places that do tea ceriminies near you. Sample as many flavors and types of tea as you can until you find what you like. Again- like wine there is no right answer or wrong answer, just a lot of ways to spend money like crazy on things you may not enjoy. So start small. Learn about teas as you sample them and find the characters and flavors you like so that you can better refine your search and judge what other teas may suit you. Wether you have the finest taste or think Lipton in the bag is the greatest tea in earth, just focus on what you like.
infosubstance · 5 years ago
I like plain black but I got a loose leaf mango, pineapple, and coconut tea that's great when iced!
pokethebear · 5 years ago
Wegmans cinnamon spice.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Fill a whole bathtub full of tea...
creativedragonbaby · 5 years ago
Don't even drink the bathtub of tea just soak in it and become the tea.
infosubstance · 5 years ago
21st century cleopatra, soak in the flat tummy tea (dont drink it tho its a huge scam I can go into detail if you want but)
wimsyexpergefactor · 5 years ago
Traditional Chinese tea sampling packets. Boom, delicious flavors. (Although my personal favorites are teas from India, like Assam or the mystery blend my friends mom makes.)
changetheworld · 5 years ago
I am a huge tea person, and have at least a dozen teas in my house right now. Probably more. Inorthstar mentioned Bigelow's "constant comment" tea, which is their signature, and I actually don't like that one at all. Just goes to show you that everyone is right - everyone has their own likes/dislikes, so never stop trying new teas and finding your own favorites. I personally love Earl Grey and other black tea, and I really like iced herbal/fruity teas. I have a peach tea combines well with pretty much all my other teas. Experiment and let us know what you like! (And many tea places will happily let you sample, so that is a great place to start).