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xvarnah · 5 years ago
@klymaxx iirc they've disproved that shaving makes your hair grow in thicker. It's not as if your genes go "oh shit! Some of the keratin we pushed through our skin has been cut! We must make certain it grows back at least twice the size and in 3x as many places!"
It is, as you say, that the end of the hair becomes flat and blunt, instead of thin and wispier as it was before you trimmed it in the first place.
wimsyexpergefactor · 5 years ago
How the heck does my body know when the hair was cut, too? Like seriously, if it grew as rapidly as it did after you shave, then it'd be longer than head hair??? (Oh gosh brain bleach needed) Does your body sense it's been cut somehow and know to regrow it? Why can't it just stoppppp
wimsyexpergefactor · 5 years ago
Also, I saw the topic and thought we were discussing a living, actual mammalian Beaver. As someone who was born in Canada... I have no clue what the heck is happening. Why would you shave a Beaver? Do you mean skin it? skinning it is one thing, but Shaving? Found it? My eyes are exploding. Beavers are terrifying. I have been chased by one, and I DO NOT recommend attempting to shave it. You will suffer their bucked tooth wrath.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@wimsyexpergefactor I'm pretty sure it's a joke. Beaver is old slang for a woman's vaginal area.
Also, not sure if you're serious or not, so I'll try Nd answer seriously that your body doesn't know when your hair is cut, it has nothing to do with that. Hair growth and length is determined by your genes (which determines how long the root sticks around for), and somewhat by nutrition and hygiene. Cutting your hair has no impact on growth on any part of your body.
klymaxx · 5 years ago
@xvarnah is right. It may seem like your pubes grow faster than your head hair, but that's only because we notice hair growth more on shorter hair. When my husband shaves his head it seems like the hair grows faster the first few days to a week because there's not a lot of hair
Here's an article about it...
wimsyexpergefactor · 5 years ago
Hah i'm reading the article out of curiosity, but I was mostly tired talking. I haven't slept in three days and am currently guzzling coffee and energy drinks. I chatterbox when i'm on caffeine lol
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Well please be careful with that. I know first hand Insomnia sucks, especially binges that last for days, but so does having your heart explode
wimsyexpergefactor · 5 years ago
Hah my brother has told me that twice, too. I have a lot of schoolwork and stuff right now, and i'll start studying and try to go to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning but by then insomnia and stress kick in, ya know? I've been eating toast tho, carbs are good for balance, right?
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Well, it is a genuine concern. I tried taking caffeine pills once to get me through and after a few days ended up with stomach cramps, chest pain, and lots of other fun symptoms. Just try not to overdo it. Better to be late or get a Lower grade than to be dead. Maybe you could see about potentially getting an extension from one of your teachers or something similar?
Bread can actually be good for helping you sleep/for energy, depending on the kind. White bread is full of sugar, so it's not the best for either. You could also try munching on some carrots and/or broccoli and/or cucumber for a vitamin boost and to help with stress.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
There's also melatonin in a vitamin format that could help with sleep. I wouldn't suggest it long term necessarily (or the caffeine/energy drinks), but anything you can avoid taking long term is usually the best option. It may depend if you're taking other medications, but it's already naturally produced in your body, and for the most part any doctor I've talked to has deigned it to be safe. Better than sleep aids, at any rate, and if you're just needing to reset your sleep-wake cycle or for occasional help sleeping it's probably the safest place to start
wimsyexpergefactor · 5 years ago
I'm literally going to save this knowledge for later. I might ask my brother about the Melatonin, I know that the stuff I took before can't go with my antidepressants and other meds, but I really do need more sleep. How many caffeine days are too many? Would the cramps start slow or hit you? I don't want to overdo it, but I do need to get my assignments done :/
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I would say definitely read all the warning labels on anything you're taking, including the energy drinks. I'm not trying to say any of this to stress you further by any means-- I've known people who chugged 5 of the 4 hour energy drinks a day and seemed fine, but its definitely not a long term solution and definitely not for everyone. The next time you see a doctor or even a pharmacist you could also get their opinion (doctor is preferable obviously) on both the caffeine and the melatonin.
I don't know what you are taking for antidepressants and I'm definitely not a doctor. I do know people that are on antidepressants though and have taken melatonin just fine, but if you're at all nervous you can always look up your medications or wait until you see a doctor.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Melatonin is literally something your body produces naturally to make you sleep. It comes usually in 3mg, 5mg, or 10mg, and you can get it in different formats from vitamins you just swallow to dissolving strips (I'm not a fan of those) to tablets you let dissolve under your tongue. You can also get it combined with magnesium, which is another vitamin that is both good for sleep and stress relief. But, again, if you're at all concerned that it might interact with anything you're taking, then wait until you can get some additional insight.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
As for the cramps, I'd already been going several days without sleep, so I was feeling fairly bad in general. I didn't feel well at all and I believe I got a bit lightheaded and clammy and then noticed my stomach wasn't in good shape, and it got gradually worse to genuine discomfort bordering on pain. This was just my experience, mind you.
You're already not going on an empty stomach you said, which I'd say is probably very important. The last thing you'd want to do is pump your body full of energy drinks with nothing else on them.
Part of the reason I suggested carrots and cucumbers btw (<- I know they're not for everyone) is because they're crunchy, which can help stimulate your brain when you're feeling tired. Can't say it's an end all be all solution, but fuck knows deadlines and such can be stressful enough, and lack of sleep makes everything worse, so if there's even a chance something might help it seems worth mentioning
xvarnah · 5 years ago
As a side note, if you can find it and feel inclined, you can try drinking some tart cherry juice before you need to sleep. It doesn't taste fantastic but it helps encourage your body to produce melatonin naturally
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Again, I wasn't trying to add any more stress to you with this in any way, and I really hope I haven't stressed you further than you were! Just trying to say be safe, but as usual I took the scenic route getting there
wimsyexpergefactor · 5 years ago
Actually you reduced the stress. I'm one of those people who feel better understanding stuff like that. You've been really helpful, thanks! My sister in law actually keeps some tart cherry concentrate for her smoothies, so i'll try that too and talk to my bro about this stuff. I think he's the one who talks to my docs and stuff now because he's my guardian.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Well I'm glad I could help then :) and in that case if you have any other questions I'd be glad to try and answer them to the best of my ability.
The cherry juice may or may not be super effective, it kind of depends on how extreme your insomnia is and other factors, but I've encountered countless recommendations for it. Since your case sounds slightly more temporary (I think?) Due to your schoolwork etc it seems worth a shot. It's not *bad* for you at any rate (though, again, it's far from the best tasting thing in the world) so even if it doesn't end up making you sleep, it's still got some other benefits.
That sounds like a good place to start. :) as I said, magnesium and melatonin are both natural, but you never know. I think melatonin is probably the safest route (there are OTC sleep aids, but at the end of the day you're better off not taking them if possible)
xvarnah · 5 years ago
But either way, the doctor should definitely be able to tell your brother what he thinks is safe or not. and hopefully you can find something that works for you to
joemonkey · 5 years ago
My pet beaver really hates the lady razors I’ve been using on him but thanks guys for the responses it’s been it of help