So... YouTube.
by rydler · 7 comments 5 years ago
dash224 · 5 years ago
What about it?
rydler · 5 years ago
A little bit ago everything just crashed. All of it.
Some rumors went out that a glitch in an update for today caused all videos to be flagged and deleted. 99% sure it's a lie but,
YT still went down for a good bit
dash224 · 5 years ago
Oh okay I did actually notice that, but I wasn’t sure if that’s what you were talking about
creativedragonbaby · 5 years ago
It’s back ip
creativedragonbaby · 5 years ago
No videos were deleted I think they just were unavailable.
bethorien · 5 years ago
they weren't unavailable. The search bar still worked. There was just no homepage and if you searched something and clicked into it you got a monkey error which tells me they probably fucked up something related to the video playback itself as linked youtube videos on other sites had the monkey error in their place on it as well.
natethegreat · 5 years ago
Fuck YouTube