guest_ · 5 years ago
The truth is that for many people- the older you get, the more birthdays just become... days. If you used to live bdays, that can make you hate them because you remember when they were special and now that they aren’t it makes you feel loss. The older you get the more likely that you can have cake whenever you want, throw a party whenever you want, go to a special dinner whenever you want. You can buy most of what you want and the stuff you can’t buy yourself tends to be relatively expensive or are things money can’t buy. People don’t make huge deals over it, give days off or let you leave early. They don’t say “eh- forget about this- it’s your birthday!” You go to school or work, you have the same responsibilities and tomorrow you’ll still have the responsibilities waiting. You probably won’t get anything awesome or any amazing surprises. You likely can’t drink and party or are over that having done it so many times the novelty of birthday events wears off.
guest_ · 5 years ago
That’s why it’s so common to meet “older” people in their 40’s or so who are just over birthdays. They have too much on their mind and too many responsibilities and so do their friends. You don’t just hang out all day or open a cool new present and play with it with your buddies, or this or that. But it’s not all doom! You can still enjoy birthdays or learn to enjoy them again. You just have to find new ways to do so. It helps a lot to have positive people in your life who care about you and see birthdays as a day to go extra in showing it, but in your life you need to be your own best friend no matter how few or many close people you have. Don’t ruminate on what you have or haven’t done, or about being closer to death or responsibility or whatever. Life has phases. As a 30yo you won’t be able to go back and do “teen stuff” and you probably wouldn’t enjoy it anyway at that age. At 50 you’ll be more tired than in your 30’s but hopefully wiser and more stable. Don’t focus on time passed
guest_ · 5 years ago
Or left, just focus on a day. If you started doing XYZ 1,5,10,20 years ago yeah- you’d be ahead. But if you start today you can still be better off instead of having that same conversation again that you should have done XYZ years ago. It’s never too late and the younger you are the more that is true. So make your bday about you. Don’t focus on the world and how it treats the day- just get the most out of that day no matter how little that may be. Take small wins and pleasures where you can and don’t fall into the trap that things could be better because they can always be worse. Either way happy birthday. I hope it’s a good one.
chicken_nugget · 5 years ago
The last birthday I had that was a conventional birthday was when I was 13 then my mom left and we all had to grow up and deal. It sucks but I try to think more of the fact that it could be worse. :/ I do think about how sad it is but try to make the best of what I got
jay2327 · 5 years ago
My last three birthdays have been shitty. My birthday is in January a I'm going to try to skip it. I don't like gifts, I have no friends my age, and there is nothing to donin my city. Instead of going to some fancy dinner, I might just leave town for the day. It's not just you, birthdays can be hated by many. It gets repetitive.
fell_equinox · 5 years ago
I turned 25 today and honestly I couldn't care less about my birthday. My parents have been divorced since I was an infant and all my previous birthdays are memories if them fighting about who gets to see me and shit like that
They're why I hate Christmas too
celticrose · 5 years ago
For whatever reason birthdays have bad luck in my family. My grandmother, who I was extremely close to, died the day before my 12th birthday. My best friend died the day before my mothers birthday. My cousin stole his parent's car and got in a bad wreck on my 9th birthday. I was assaulted on my cousins birthday. A woman who was like a second mother to me died 2 years ago on my sister's/nephew's birthday. Along with numerous smaller things like car accidents, heart attacks ect on assorted other family birthdays. At this point birthdays are a source of dread for me.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
@vodka @fell_equinox do we all share the same bday?!
I know you hate birthdays and I totally get it, I used to cry every day on my birthday because my mind would think "You're growing up" or recite the lack of things I'd done that year but I think I've passed that. I treat it like any other day and it's really nice, sure it feels a little like Limbo because I don't really know what to do with this new title of [whatever age I've turned] but honestly the only expectations you have to worry about are the ones you set yourself. It's daunting thinking about time but it's not like this singular day represents where you're going, it holds no significance really unless you want it to. Everyday in the year can change your future, you don't even have to want to change it, no one's stopping you from enjoying a life where everyday is the same (personally I love a simple life with a few odd days here and there). Bday's are to celebrate you, not what you've done, so HB! thanks for being born.
fell_equinox · 5 years ago
My bday is 10-26-93
So probably lol
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Damn, I forget about time differences. It's the 27th of Oct over here
fell_equinox · 5 years ago
My uncles is on the 27th and my grandpa is on the 28th
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
I stopped caring about birthdays when I was seven. I get more depressed when I realize my friends are having parties that I didn't even know were going on.
deleted · 5 years ago
well.. when i was a child & young teenager birthdays was fun. but now.. i hate them. it's just another year who got by & i'm older.. no reason to celebrate really.. one year less to life.. a lot of annoying people who just say happy bday because they have to and not because they really happy for you etc.. it's not really a nice day of the year :/ i have birthday on 1. nov so.. it's soon again time for me.. :/ most times i just want to stay in bed and wait for the end of the day because it's just annoying.. well.. but i can't.. so yeah.. what ever :<
creativedragonbaby · 5 years ago
Maybe your birthday can be an excuse to hang out with friends. Go paint balling, do laser tag or bowling.