spiderwoman · 5 years ago
And the sugar came from candy corn which is amazing whatever you heathens try to lie about it
jay2327 · 5 years ago
Candy corn sucks. How do you like it?
Also, if you didn't get invited to an event, why not host something and invite others over? I personally find it fun to stay home and watch a bunch of Hallowe'en movies and scary movies by myself. (Would be nice to do it with somebody but I don't have friends.) There are ways to make Hallowe'en fun, especially from home :)
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
The last time I talked to my best friend and only friend was around six months ago.
222daisy · 5 years ago
Spiderwoman I'll be your online buddy and we can discuss our love of candy corn
deleted · 5 years ago
I like candy corn at times, and today is my most recent ex’s birthday so I’m not enjoying
the day that much myself
guest_ · 5 years ago
Candy corn is my jam, and I don’t know why people hate on it. No, I won’t eat it every damn day, or eat 400 metric tons at once, but it’s awesome and iconic like edible wax lips. It’s fun too. I like to eat the colored segments one at s time as precisely as possible, or to smash them together or in my fingers in slow motion and observe the deformation. It’s also fun to bite them and smash them into workable shapes and then make little candy corn sculptures. They can also obviously be used as “Dracula teeth” aka fangs, or stuck up ones nose and shot out at a sibling. Woot for candy corn. Hope you feel better spiderwoman. If it makes you feel better I don’t know what discord is except that people who play phone games always want you to join it.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I kind of get the Halloween blues. The last 3 or so have not been entirely enjoyable for various reasons, and sometimes it does get a bit melancholy. On years there's nothing going on, and/or have to get up early the next day try to find little ways to help keep the spirit up, even if just for myself. Carving a pumpkin on the years I've been able to. Making caramel apples or apples with caramel dip. Popcorn. Finding something enjoyable to watch that kind of has the Halloween or horror vibe.
This year is the new season of Castlevania.
scatmandingo · 5 years ago
I once heard candy corn described as like “eating a birthday candle but in a good way.”
vitklim · 5 years ago
What's Halloween? :P
For real tho, I never really cared about it, cause it's just not something we celebrate, and I'm rather busy to get distracted by it, but I feel ya.
aviva · 5 years ago
@spiderwoman I know that feeling. I didn‘t do anything on Halloween either and I won‘t see my friends till about December. I didn‘t eat candy corn though but I had some pasta.
If you don‘t mind me asking, is everything alright between you and your friends?