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222daisy · 5 years ago
Do you know that for sure?
bethorien · 5 years ago
I mean she's already pregnant. Not like she's gonna get double pregnant idk what he would be scared about
222daisy · 5 years ago
Why don't you try talking to him?
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Be there for her this is going to be a really hard point in her life. There will be rumors so be the one to stomp them out. Make her happy and show her life will be ok. She will need the help and support of all that love her.
Be by her side at school and after school. The further along she gets you may find it hard to make plans with her but don't stop trying. She will notice you not being their and she will take it as you not wanting to be near her because you are embarrassed of her or you don't want to be friends with her anymore. Talk to her about the baby ask how she feels physically and emotionally she will need someone to talk to.
Be the best friend you can be for her.
But keep her struggle in your mind this is not a road people want to go. From this point on in her life it will be extremely difficult.
When the baby comes still be her friend. Never stop being her friend. Let her live her life as both a mother and a kid.
m10107305 · 5 years ago
I have when he found out he was p*ssed
mrscollector · 5 years ago
And you don't have to have her at your house go to hers or visit out of school.
m10107305 · 5 years ago
Mrscollecter that was the best thing someone has ever said to me
mrscollector · 5 years ago
About your Dad more than likely he is pisses because you are her best friend and he probably thinks you are sexually active as well. Was the pregnancy made from consent?
If you are sexually active I advice take your friend's pregnancy as a warning and stop. If you are not reassure your Dad you are not. And if you are stopping just tell your dad you never did it. You don't want to tell him that you were.
bearlypolar · 5 years ago
Where's the guy who did it? Is he supporting your friend, has he run off or do you not know who did it?
infosubstance · 5 years ago
How sure are you shes pregnant, has she taken a test or did she just miss a period (which is normal for the first 2 years)
mrscollector · 5 years ago
If her parents know and m10107305's dad knows chances are they are sure
parisqeen · 5 years ago
She needs to be extremely certain she wants to keep the baby, not to be depressing but once she becomes a mum that is her life and at 12 that's a very adult decision to make. I would advise her to watch documentaries on young mums and how to prepare to become one, there's no reason she's not going to be a good mother but her choices in life are now very limited and it's difficult to comprehend or understand that at such a young age. As her best friend you just need to give her as much support at you can, talk to her, listen to her and help her become prepared for what's ahead. With your dad, I would try to talk to him about it, ask him what's upsetting him about the situation and try and talk to him about how you view it, you're both only 12 after all so try to make him understand you need to be there for you friend and her actions are not a representation of your own. Honestly this is tough but you'll both get through it with determination, trust and resilience.
bearlypolar · 5 years ago
well said
m10107305 · 5 years ago
Bearlypolar he is still there and supporting her but its hard to go through at 12
m10107305 · 5 years ago
Infosubstance she took a test
kraftykat320 · 5 years ago
Be with her through the whole thing. In the words of Dr Seuss a person's a person no matter how small (talking about the baby). If she doesn't get abortion, maybe let her parents take care of them. If that happens, then she can act like a great older sister.
kraftykat320 · 5 years ago
Also, pls update this often if u can, I would like to hear what happens about it
meatball2012 · 5 years ago
My aunt had a child when she was 14 and my grandparents raised it as their own. It’s not uncommon
parisqeen · 5 years ago
It is a possibility that the parents could raise it but that baby isn't theirs and they didn't choose to have another one. If they agree to it then sure, it makes life easier for her but raising another human being is a big deal and although she's only young she can't just pass off that responsibility unless they are okay with it.
bethorien · 5 years ago
That gave me the image of a a baby being passed like a football and I feel bad for being amused