m10107305 · 5 years ago
Probably no one
thatguyyouknow · 5 years ago
Yeah I once thought I'd lost my phone while I was in the middle of a phone call
m10107305 · 5 years ago
Welp I was wrong
m10107305 · 5 years ago
I thought I was the only one
deleted · 5 years ago
I have done something more embarrassing. I have forgotten my own initials.
guest_ · 5 years ago
Sort of. I often forget I have my phone. I’ll be reading an email or literally usin my phone and freak out thinking I lost it. I’ll then frantically begin retracing my steps- even use the light from my phone to search for my phone.... the closest I get to forgetting I own a phone is when there’s some simple answer I could look up or simple task I could do with my phone but I don’t. I also tend to use my phone to look up phone numbers to call and ask questions which I could answer by going to theor website or checking maps instead.... but I don’t really forget I own it because it’s a tool I use quite a bit.
silvermyth · 5 years ago
I’ve often been in a spot of trouble that a phone could fix. I’ll need a torch, and go searching the house for a light before remembering my phone has one. Same thing for a compass.
And I do forget I have it as I’m holding it. Texted someone asking if they’d seen my phone. From my phone.