Just a Check Up
by parisqeen · 20 comments 5 years ago
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parisqeen · 5 years ago
@wimsyexpergefactor how you doing these days?
mrsuperman8942 · 5 years ago
*looking at check up results* Hmmm well, it appears that all the ligma that was in your body during your last visit is now gone.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Well thank god for that, I thought I was gonna die Doc
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Hey, whos the doctor here?
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Superman apparently but Idk if he's qualified
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Well, I've just dine a quick check up, and from what I see, while you're mostly fine rn, you also have a slight case of bofa as well
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
deleted · 5 years ago
I bombed a super important project for stats which is the last class I need for my math minor. So that's a thing.
mrsuperman8942 · 5 years ago
*scoffs* I'm as much a doctor dude as that mario guy everyone loves so much. how dare you question my qualification?!
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
You're as fit to be a doctor as much as Jessie Eisenberg was fit to be Lex Luthor
mrsuperman8942 · 5 years ago
See this man gets it. jessie was a great luthor, totally droping the mecacing smugness and replacing it with complete insanity. and giving him hair, VEEEEEEERY good decision.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
We must be living in different realities bc the jessie eisenburg luthor fucking sucks
mrsuperman8942 · 5 years ago
(breaking character for a sec, i was intentionally sounding stupid, I don't think he made a good luther and he would have been infinetly better for a different role.)
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I think they chose him to make lex more like a mark zuckerberg kind of character instead of the traditional lex from the comics, but it just doesn't work whatsoever
mrsuperman8942 · 5 years ago
yeah, he would have been a much better joker, even better than the guy we got to play joker in batmen v superman
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
They did the exact same thing with Jared Leto lol, tried to make the joker more of a modern punk and it sucked
mrsuperman8942 · 5 years ago
honestly, i like to think about weather or not jared would make a better luthor, maybe they could have replaced each other.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
@aspy523 are there any other assignments/projects in maths you can ace to make up for it? Do they allow you to go back to previous projects so you can improve those?
deleted · 5 years ago
Maybe the final. And honestly I'm not the only person who felt this way about the project, it was poorly worded and ahead of the current material we were doing and required the use of an outdated system. Also the homework could potentially help make up for it but knowing him I doubt it.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
I hate when teachers give really unclear instructions, it's frustrating cause there's not much you can do about. I would try talking to him, ask him if there's someway you can boost your grades. Never hurts to pester the teachers a little cause all that does is show you're interested, eager and care about their subject.