scatmandingo · 5 years ago
Are you new here?
coleypoley · 5 years ago
No, i just haven't been very active. But coincidently a boy asked me the same thing after we had been in the same class together for 5 years. It's things like that that make me ask the question.
deleted · 5 years ago
Unfortunately yes. And I honestly don't know how to change that
scatmandingo · 5 years ago
My question was a joke based on the premise of your question. To answer honestly: no. For some reason people remember me for far longer than I remember them. I had a guy recognize me and know my name 20 years after the last time I had seen him. I had no memory of him existing and his name was not familiar at all.
coleypoley · 5 years ago
You must make a strong impression then, maybe the problem is me being too quiet?
I spose what I'd really like to know is are some people actually forgettable or is it just the person that feels that way? I'm I focusing too much on the times I am fogotten when in reality, I'm not forgotten any more than anyone else?
mrsuperman8942 · 5 years ago
no one can forget you if they don't know you exist.
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
I'm easily forgotten in a different way. I'm a rather "unique" person that can't be forgotten easily, but I'm the type of person who you want to forget.
mrfahrenheit · 5 years ago
somebody I hadn't seen in 5 years said hi to me. And then a parent of a classmate who moved away 6 years ago
creativedragonbaby · 5 years ago
I’ve been forgotten by people I don’t see often, and I feel kinda unimportant in my friend group because I think I’m annoying.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Tbh I don't know if I consider myself easily forgotten but I'm always surprised when people remember me-- even on here. Especially since I don't remember that many people myself.
bethorien · 5 years ago
im so forgettable that sometimes I can't even remember who i am
lolcats121 · 5 years ago
timebender25 · 5 years ago
I'm not a very forgettable person. But I am an easily ignored person.
If someone's not looking for me, their eyes pass right over like I'm not there. However even people who have difficulty with names seem to have no problem remembering who I am.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I constantly avoid everyone in my family. I literally had to create a whole other facebook to get away from all of them besides my two sisters and one brother. No. I do NOT feel like I'm forgettable.
I wanted to make movies when I was a kid; then I realized the fame. Fuck that, now I'll give my kid, if I have one, the tools and he can do it, or I'll just do it myself when I'm 70 and I can go Clint with it.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
movies/books... it's a long story.... the idea that I'd read each book like a character's story but as a screenplay (although they are obviously not children books so for their sake, neutered slightly)... like... one chapter a night and then I go write down the summary of that chapter, then make it for adults. I can't say if it's a weird process though, no kid. If anyone with a kid would enlighten me...