memegirl · 5 years ago
Im really sorry about that i kinda know how you feel. Just a couple months ago my grandfather died
dash224 · 5 years ago
Thank you. It’s just so sad. I can’t believe it.
memegirl · 5 years ago
Heres a potato
memegirl · 5 years ago
To cheer u up
dash224 · 5 years ago
Thank you.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Has it set in yet? Or are you still in shock?
It's the strangest feeling when you first find out and it will take time to process but we're all here for you. Talk with your other friends about it, share fond memories of them, grieve together.
dash224 · 5 years ago
I’m still in shock. My and roommate and I have been talking about him all day. It’s just so sad
parisqeen · 5 years ago
I've been in a similar place, you don't really know what to do with the information because it's not like you were expecting it. You wake up and it feels like they're still gonna be there, it's really weird and hurts so much. You have support around you, use it, let your other friends know they are treasured and maybe tell your friends family about all his positive traits and memories you had with him. Sometimes unexpected and awful things happen and the best way to deal with it is to firstly grieve but don't let it get on top of you and make the rest of your year/life depressing. How have your other friends been taking it?
dash224 · 5 years ago
Not well at all. He was just such a nice and genuine guy. And thank you for your advice.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
I'm glad he's being remembered as a good person. That's okay, keep us updated with how you feel, if it gets too hard we're ready to help.
dash224 · 5 years ago
Okay thanks!
bethorien · 5 years ago
Idk what to say other than I'm sorry this happened. One of my friends died about 2 years ago so I sorta understand. Always remember you've got love and support here with your funsub family.
dash224 · 5 years ago
Thank you! Yeah this whole day I’ve just been in shock, but it’s really starting to hit me now. Do you mind me asking how your friend died?
bethorien · 5 years ago
His heart gave out. He had heart problems from birth and the last surgery wasn't enough. He was a few months over how long the doctors said he had left.
dash224 · 5 years ago
Oh that’s so horrible. I’m so sorry.
bethorien · 5 years ago
It's been long enough since it happened that I've pretty well came to terms with it by now.
Try to keep in mind that you aren't alone and that you have people here that at least understand as much as one can without being inside your head. Everyone will process such thing a little differently but we are willing to give help where we are able.
One thing I can sorta do the advice thing with is to remind you to try to keep maintaining yourself. Forgetting to keep yourself feed and watered isn't uncommon. I personally tend to forget about and procrastinating food in situations that are just minor stress and I always have a much harder time remembering to eat when someone dies. If you start often forgetting to do something to keep yourself maintained like eating or showering etc set reminders on your phone or tap notes to different places at eye level with reminders.
dash224 · 5 years ago
Yeah I’ve kinda lost my appetite actually. And thank you for the advice!
dash224 · 5 years ago
It’s just a shitty time. And I know that over time it’ll get better.