moth · 5 years ago
You guys getting salty is what's making the community more and more lame. Instead of throwing fits and leaving why not uhhh try contacting the owner or something. Leaving isn't gonna do much. Thought I'd throw in my two cents today because everybody else seems to be doing it.
internet · 5 years ago
while you do have a point, contacting the owner hasn't worked. He doesn't want to show himself yet and zeus isn't answering questions
moth · 5 years ago
How have y'all tried? Just using the contact button, or? Cause rn it feels like everybody's just bitching. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's hard to have a fun time when all I'm hearing is "new owner hates us blah blah bots etc etc"
mialinay · 5 years ago
I mostly try to not get too involved in this whole thing myself, but I'd just like to say that there's been several tries to contact Zeus and the new owner
mialinay · 5 years ago
Also I'm staying whatever may come
sunflowers · 5 years ago
We're annoyed because:
1. Practically no communication
2. Owner isn't responding
3. Constant bots
4. Constant ads
5. Old, stale, crusty, recycled memes
6. Friends are leaving
7. New owner won't tell us wtf is going on
internet · 5 years ago
I mean I'm I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, but the bots are pretty annoying. never had a problem with the ads though
moth · 5 years ago
Yeah, I've not had an ad problem myself. I don't get why the bots are a huge issue. God forbid people are posting memes or whatever??
you're annoyed friends are leaving and because of this more people are leaving. Feels like this is an endless loop.
moth · 5 years ago
Also, HOW have you guys been trying to contact the new owner? I've asked a few times and am not really getting an answer tbh
internet · 5 years ago
According to zeus, the owner doesn't want to show himself. so the only ways to contact him are through zeus, who isn't responding himself, and the feedback button which i don't even know of it works. Other than that, I'm not really sure
moth · 5 years ago
I see. And how do we know for sure that these old accounts are bots and the new owner's fault? How do we know that they're not
a) actually people posting
b) made by zeus?
internet · 5 years ago
Well the bots are just inactive sccounts/guests with hundreds of posts and very few comments, so it's pretty obvious.
As for the second one... we don't know for sure. But all this started happening the moment we learned about the new owner, so most likely it's his idea,
deleted · 5 years ago
Zeus isn't answering because he's done with people's shit, he said what he had to say and that's it, people just went "oh the betrayal, how could you blah blah blah". Dude's got his reasons, maybe he doesn't have time for the site anymore or something, just give the man peace it's not his problem anymore. Y'all are not making anything better by making everything sounds sooooo much worth than it really is or by posting fucking porn stuff. The bots aren't doing anything else other than post outdated memes or the odd repost, just like users have always done it. And the ads are barely affecting the site, at least on my side and I'm not using any adblock. And it's not like you pay anything from you fucking pocket for the ads too.
Y'all are just making 'cause you' re so pissy for no fucking good reason
hyperion · 5 years ago
Questioned that already. No answer. Zeus hasn't replied.
scatmandingo · 5 years ago
I don’t believe there are a bunch of people using bots. I think the FS itself has an automated gathering and posting system. They are the only one with access to dozens of dormant accounts and the posts are spread too evenly among those accounts for it to be people working independently. I believe it was Zeus (and team) that set it up and we only noticed it becuase no being maintained as well as it used to be. Probably due to ownership change.
My estimate is that 90% of the content posted here is being gathered by FS itself and not contributed by community members. Voting, trending, and flagging may also be automated to some extent.
Now, all that being said, the only real downside is that the idea that this is a site by and for its users is an illusion. However, if those users are not posting enough content to keep the site interesting then the system is a positive influence.
bethorien · 5 years ago
someone completely unaffiliated with funsubstance that has shown propensity to be a cash grabber now has access to your email, username, and password. I hope you use different passwords for everything.
hyperion · 5 years ago
Bethorien is pretty much right for a reason to be mad.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
The bots are starting to annoy me because they're posting outdated irrelevant content that I literally have to go outside of funsub to find out what the rest of the TITLE is, let alone what the post itself is about
sunflowers · 5 years ago
I agree with @xvarnah and @bethorien. Time to go change a LOT of passwords. I'm so disappointed with how this is going.