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mrfahrenheit · 5 years ago
I don't think Christians, or people of any religion are automatically scum, unless they use their religion to attack others.
turn_down_for_now · 5 years ago
@thekaylapup I don't know any atheists but I have an ex brother-n-law who is agnostic. I just see a lot of hate online for Christians. I don't hate anyone. God is the judge of hearts. I live in the bible belt so I think some are afraid to Express their true self. I have felt the presence of God. He has given me visions and spoken to me. I believed He was real long before He spoke to me.
turn_down_for_now · 5 years ago
@mrfahrenheit I don't use my faith to attack others people are free to believe as they will. However, I do believe with the bible says about sin. I am a sinner I have my own repenting to do. I can't afford to micromanage others.
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Ah. I think people exaggerate their views a bit on the internet. If something is too long people won't read and the simple answer is often more broadly unfavorable than the truth. Also it's really easy for the people who shoot the loudest to be heard the easiest. And the baffling truth is that the people who shout the loudest often have the most extreme views.
I heard that the bible belt was a place were people weren't really openly anything but Christian, but I sort of assumed that the stereotype was exaggerated a bit. I guess maybe less than I guessed.
Do you believe that the lack of knowledge about the difference between being a part of the body of Christ and being religious contributes to negative views about Christians?
the_grinch · 5 years ago
1. Not particularly, but if there is one: cool. If not, also cool
2. I only hate religious people who use their religion to be prejudiced against others
If religion makes you happy that's cool but dont hide behind a severely out of date book to nit pick very specific passages to be an ass.
I also hate it how when people find out I'm atheist they try to make me feel ashamed. I used to have a friend who's family loved me, but they shunned me and started shit talking me on FB when they found out I was atheist.
Nothing about me changed except their perception of me
When people cant accept that I'm atheist I tell them I'm a Pastafarian and that usually gets them to leave me alone
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
So, do people leave you alone because they realize you aren't going to give into their pressures when they learn you support a lighthearted view of religious tolerance dispite believing religion aren't accurate, or do they just seriously have no idea what that means?
turn_down_for_now · 5 years ago
@thekaylapup I think there is a lack of knowledge in the body of believers and non believers. If Christians truly understood they would not attack they would teach.
turn_down_for_now · 5 years ago
@the_grinch that is really messed up. A relationship with God is personal and should show in a lifestyle. What they did does not reflect that.
the_grinch · 5 years ago
My grandma is super Christian and when I told her about losing my friend she said that they may be religious, but they ain't spiritual
Also, my grandma took me being atheist really well. She was shocked at first, but she still loves me
the_grinch · 5 years ago
@thekaylapup they get freaked out when I explain it hahaha
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
1) I don't believe in God because I've never had any reason to. 2) Why would I despise those who do? People can be believe whatever they want.
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
That being said, I agree with Grinch there. If people use their belief as a way to be prejudiced or hateful towards others then I do not respect their beliefs.
deleted · 5 years ago
1. No, I don't think so.
2. Of course not and anyone who does makes atheists everywhere look like assholes.
3. No, not really.
deleted · 5 years ago
Also why is your only post about vibrating cock rings?
turn_down_for_now · 5 years ago
@grimreaper I am shy. It was funny...
turn_down_for_now · 5 years ago
I have been on FS for about 4 years now
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Hey! I know I'm late but all well. I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in god/s.
1. Although brought up in 3 Christian schools, I never felt the need to have a religion, Christianity or anything else. I felt religion was unnecessary for me and the important things in my life so never felt a need to practice any religion.
2. I do not despise those who do. People may believe whatever they wish as long as it doesn't hurt others or they don't force their own beliefs down other's throats.
3. Yes I know the difference, everyone's already said what I think the definition is so I won't repeat it.
4. No, you are not scum. Being religious or following a religion (Christianity or not) does not make you scum, unless like mrfahrenheit said, you use it to hurt people. I judge others based on personality and their actions, your religion to me doesn't really matter.
scatmandingo · 5 years ago
I don’t believe in god because it doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t despise religious people but I also think that most of them don’t actually believe in god either. They hope there is but don’t act like they actually believe it truly. If god existed that fact would be of such massive importance it would blot out all other considerations in life.
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I think most Atheists are what this post describes as "Quiet Atheists"
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Nice, I like the way that post phrases it