Query about dreams:
by calvinoot · 31 comments 5 years ago
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creativedragonbaby · 5 years ago
I can make my dreams lucid but they’re often nice enough that I don’t need to. One time, I was given a horse that whenever I got on it, it became massive. There was a plot to the dream but I just wanted to ride the horse.
timebender25 · 5 years ago
Y'all make lucid dreaming sound like it's really, really easy. How do you do it.
calvinoot · 5 years ago
I don't actually know. :/ I have them all the time. My friend actually has never had one and has been trying all these weird methods to make them happen but they just can't. Idk if there is a sure fire way to make them happen.
unicycle · 5 years ago
@timebender25 While it's different for everyone, there are some strategies that are generally successful.
1. Keep a dream journal. Every morning, write down as much of your dreams as you can remember. You'll soon recall more and more.
2. Practice reality checks. Make a habit of counting your fingers or checking the time, looking away, and checking the time again. The more you do this in your waking life, the more it becomes second nature and the more likely you are to do it in a dream. If the clock reads 2:15 then becomes a pizza when you check it again, you know you're in a dream - likewise if you suddenly have 17 fingers. Once you know you're in a dream, you can take control and turn it into a lucid dream.
Some people never have lucid dreams and some have them frequently without trying. There's no guarantee that any strategy will help you have one, sometimes it's just a matter of how your brain works.
tusterm267 · 5 years ago
(Late reply, sorry) I remember this dream where my childhood friend and I were, well, friends again. I dreamt I was staying with my aunt in a plywood house, retrieved a guitar from deep snow. And there he was, walking towards me like in the movies. Except, it it was drizzly and I knew in my heart we were gonna go back to being best friends. He stopped, and I walked towards him and we hugged.
Total bummer when I woke up. We just grew apart and it’s awkward when we try to chat.
creativedragonbaby · 5 years ago
Yeah in a dream I sense that it’s too ridiculous to be real, and I do keep dream journals. It’s reallt fun to see what your brain puts together
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Ok heres a dream related question for you all-- have any of you guys had previous dreams of yours referenced in a later dream?
coleypoley · 5 years ago
Yes! I've had referencing and what i would call sequels to dreams, and a lot of recurring dreams. I think it must be related to lucid dreaming, it's something I've found easy since I was a small child and it wasn't until I was older that I realised other people either couldn't do it, or had to work hard and train themselves to. Same as how i suffer from sleep paralysis. My brain obviously doesn't do sleep/dreams very well. Might be why I have M.E.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I've had lots of dreams tie in with other dreams I had in the past, either directly (reoccurring places or characters) or indirectly, like the dream I had about a dinosaur themed area in disneyworld, and then my dream the next night I remembered reading a magazine that had an article about said dinosaur themed area
creativedragonbaby · 5 years ago
I had a dream where this lady was recruiting people to be spies. She asked someone else, and he was all nervous.
She asked me and I said "Yeah, sure." And she just looked SO SHOCKED. Like "Does this person have nothing else to do? Where are her parents?"
And thats how I became a spy in my dream.
We got these treadmill things that turn into mechs when you run on them.
calvinoot · 5 years ago
I have a load of dreams that follow off, once I had a dream where I was had to find a key to open this giant door so the flooded world would drain again, but I woke up when I found the key. Next night I went to be and woke in a dream to a dude slapping me telling me to wake up and help find the gate. It was trippy and weird. I've also had this girl show up in nearly every dream, this was after I told her she was a figment of my imagination and broke down crying. She has recently vanished from my dreams though.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I once had a dream where I was looking at old VHS tapes and one of them was a movie about a dream I had about a week before then. Another one was a dream laid out like a big board game, and one of the sections on the giant board was from a previous dream as well.
Heres another dream related question (since I could come up with a thousand of these fuckers): have any if you had any dreams of a new fantasy race/name, and you remembered the name of it when you woke up?
tusterm267 · 5 years ago
For me, not exactly. I had a wicked awesome dream of a new world. There was reflective clouds, live glass trees, and kinda chrome bogs. I saw a group of Hip Young Women doing weird yoga inside a machine thingy, it almost looked like an iron lung. I didn’t have a name for it, but it was super futuristic and exhilarating.
Since I do dream journals, I easily remember them. I wish we could have like a “dream section” ‘cause I have so many that I’d like to share.
calvinoot · 5 years ago
I mean I always meet weird creatures in dreams, but none of them have unique race names! No joke, @tusterm267 I would read your dreams because reflective clouds sound dope. Also @dr_richard_ew have YOU had any dreams where races have names? I presume you have since you asked it?
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
A couple times, but I only ever remembered one of them. They were called the Bollobpik. They were aliens who descended from space a long ass time ago with the goal to physically merge themselves with whatever life forms they would come across, literally becoming that planets new rulers. Instead of landing near people though, they landed in the ocean, so they combined with sea life instead, do their were little aliens fused with nautilus, bigger ones fused with squids and hammerhead sharks, and their leader (who could talk btw) fused with an enormous clam.
tusterm267 · 5 years ago
I looked through my notes for my “dream journal” and I just remembered I had one where a friend and I were waiting in an airport for a flight to idk where. Turns out we were an hour late, so we called up our parents and said we won’t be home for some time. With time to kill, my friend and I went to check the perimeter of the airport, and it was what I could describe an Olympic village. It was designed after houses in Italy, and there was a fountain and all cool stuff like that. Anyway, we encountered a bridge that allowed us explore downtown Ottawa. That was when I realized we’ve been using VR goggles the whole time, and someone managed to merge the fantastic concept of VR and Google Street View! I wish I had better control of my dreams so I could explore more of it
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I have about 6 samsung notes documented written down with places from my dreams. I only write down the really memorable ones (I've let a lot slide recently), but I could open a page online talking about them bc i have so freaking many
creativedragonbaby · 5 years ago
Guys I had a nightmare last night, which I remember quite a bit because I was rehearsing it just to tell to you!
I was in my backyard, with Matpat narrating his game theory on The Forest. I was standing by a rock and there was little Timmy with spikes protruding from his chest in a circle about half an inch out. I noticed he had a tennis ball in his mouth (like some dead in Forest have) and someone mentioned the secret "Ball ending." Anywho, I went back inside, but as I turned around to close the door, I noticed a boy who looked like Timmy but with a vault boy jumpsuit on. He was floating about 1ft off the ground.
I tried to shut the door, but a strong breeze was keeping it open. I screamed and ran into the kitchen where mum was. I yelled "It's him! The friggin boy! Help me!" And I tried to reach her but I woke up before that.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Damn, that's a freaky nightmare.
I once had a nightmare where my quote "aunt vivianne" was coming to look after me while my parents were on a trip. Lemme tell you, aunt vivianne was HAUNTED AS FUCK. All she ever did was sit frozen in front of the TV with all the lights out and a half knitted scarf in her hands (idk if she was blinking or not, the light reflecting off her glasses made me unable to see). I was trying to go through the house while trying to avoid the gruesome ghosts and creatures that followed her
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I cant remember some of the visuals I saw, but I remember they were some of the scariest shit I had ever seen before, and it all looked like scribblings from someone from an insane asylum (if you want a visual example, look up the final fight scene from the samurai jack episode "jack and the haunted house"). The only 2 monsters I really remember was a headless samurai riding his decaying horse through the hallways looking to decapitate me with his halberd, and the other one was 3 hags brewing something over a bubbling cauldron, with what looked like another human being melted down inside of it.
I also had an uncle mark there too, and when I finally managed to run away for my own safety, I remember hearing him shouting at me to come back... but not like the way a concerned caretaker would... almost as if he was saying "don't leave me alone with this lady..."