vitklim · 5 years ago
*sips ginger beer* And now we wait...
rosalinas · 5 years ago
The link doesn't work so it'll be a hella of a wait for ya
vitklim · 5 years ago
The link works if you actually copy it into the browser. If you got a better option, I'm listening
vitklim · 5 years ago
yeah, that should do it, nvm
deleted · 5 years ago
Yeah, and now wait for the other neanderthals to chime in.
the_grinch · 5 years ago
I'm a guy and I didnt find it offensive
I think they were trying too hard to push their message, but honestly its whatever
I see the point they were trying to make, but I also see why people are upset over it
I see people breaking Gilette stuff that they already own and that's stupid. Why waste your money like that. The razors are still good even if you dont agree with the company
I guess what I'm trying to say is dont let something so small affect your day. Brush it off and move on. In a few weeks people are going to forget this ever happened