Facebook cringe
by the_grinch · 4 comments 5 years ago
the_grinch · 5 years ago
I'm in a nerd group and someone keeps spamming gay pictures of venom and that one guy from the Sony movie. I dint understand everyone's obsession with making unnecessary relationships thatll clearly never happen
mrsuperman8942 · 5 years ago
the world is B I G G A Y and needs to be put down.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Welcome to fandom
mrsuperman8942 · 5 years ago
I really don't like it when people who make that stuff call themselfs fans. their not fans, their sexual freaks who take advantage of preexisting characters. they just use those characters to desplay their own sexual fantasys. so not only are they skrewed up in the head, their also too lazy to come up with their own characters.