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mialinay · 5 years ago
I like it
laughwendylaugh · 5 years ago
You first
hyperion · 5 years ago
The thing about that is, it may not go as planned chief
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I already have selfies up, feel free to roast me.
blazingfrags · 5 years ago
Okay y'all want me to go first??
mrsuperman8942 · 5 years ago
I would but I'm immune to joe dirt jokes.
changetheworld · 5 years ago
There's a different website for that...
knockdown209 · 5 years ago
Lmao they better be decent
rosalinas · 5 years ago
Fsers are generally too nice for that.
If you truly want to test your limit, go on reddit, they will show you no mercy.
blazingfrags · 5 years ago
Yeah that's what I think..fs is like Canada of memternet
knockdown209 · 5 years ago
You forgot about the Aussies cunt
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I dunno if none of you even trying is a compliment or not.
I know when the bot attack occurred y'all took down you own selfies, so the hesitation is understood; but I'm lazy and never took mine down.
Hell one of them is me after I was hit square (circle) in the forehead. The jokes exist.... y'all got ladyballs....
mialinay · 5 years ago
Yo we didn't take them down. They got taken down.
mialinay · 5 years ago
By Zeus to "make space for new posts" which started a lil shitstorm of course
jmmcclain · 5 years ago
I had thought about it.. Well, probably not the roast me part
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Oh, for sure.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
So mine don't show up either anymore I assume?
mialinay · 5 years ago
Nope they don't
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
oh snap.