funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
This is a true story.
I'm letting a friend know about how I locked down the Endgame tickets, he's stoked but at work so he asks if when he gets off work if it's cool to kick it. I agree, he asks if he can bring a friend. I see nothing wrong with this either, so agreed again. They get over here, everything is going good, the brought themselves some beers and he's smoking us out. I go outside for my stogie and about halfway through I realize... ugh... I'ma have to crap.
I go back inside, go to the bathroom, do my business.... bam. I'm out of TP. I shout at my friend to run downstairs and grab me a roll of TP, we're homies, no big deal.
*My bathroom is shaped like a wide-T. Where the top of the T is would be "sink-door-bathtub-toilet-tub-door-sink... while the bottom part of the T is a side sink then a door.
Any rational human would just toss a roll around the corner while standing in the bottom part of the T.
That's not what happened.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
He knows my house, but instead of doing it himself he asks the friend. She brings up not one roll of TP, but FUCKING EIGHT. She doesn't use the bottom middle part of the T bathroom either, no... she just walks the fuck in from the side while I'm just chilling on the shitter.
At this point any rational human would hand the TP and just walk away.
Again, that's not what happened.
This bitch proceeded to go into the middle T part of the bathroom and start re-organizing my shit, asking why I have more than one fucking thing of handsoap, more than one thing of deodorant and more than one thing of toothpaste (I buy in bulk, duuurrr)... then proceeded to try to steal a thing of toothpaste.
As that was going on I'm just slowly saying... "get out... get out... get out".... until the toothpaste part happened and I'm up screaming "GET OUT".
Remember.... I have yet to wipe.
I remembered. I go back to wipe, wash my hands, go back into my gameroom and she's all... moody?
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Whatever, fuck her. I tell homie he's cool, but never to bring her over again.
Was I wrong? I don't think I was wrong. That shit was fucked up. I have a mental scar now.
celticrose · 5 years ago
She sounds like she's got a few screws loose. And you definitely have every right to decide who comes into YOUR home ESPECIALLY in your bathroom. Seriously BOUNDARIES.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I only was around her for bout 30 min, so yeah... my dilemma was should I kick them both out cuz I like the company of my homie and she was his ride so... complicated things slightly.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I don't think he knew she was crazy either.
creativedragonbaby · 5 years ago
They rarely do. The crazy comes out later