silvermyth · 5 years ago
That’s so depressing and sad, what an awful group of relatives.
bethorien · 5 years ago
hit him with a pan, that fixes everything
celticrose · 5 years ago
Yeah. Whats REALLY sad is he was a certifiable genius, could read a book on something and immediately pass as an expert (he actually frauded his way into numerous jobs this was), and he wasted it with drugs and stupidity.
celticrose · 5 years ago
@bethorien I'm honestly terrified of what would happen if I got any of his blood on me. No telling what's in it.
bethorien · 5 years ago
then hit him with a really big pan, itll catch all the blood
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Daaamn. Yeah, keep that dude away. Anyway, here's a story so that you know you're not alone:
My step mom has Lupus (I know, I know, it's always Lupus until it never is, besides that one time).... and got really sick and started having severe nerve pain. This being Tennessee, the doctors instantly went with... morphine! It took about a day and a half before she became dependent on it. My step-brother, in some twisted Mother Theresa sense, started jacking her supply, trying to get her off it while he got high. He became addicted (this is the beginning of how he became a heroin addict) but with a fucked up saving grace he got her a connect to his weed dealer before he jacked the rest of her shit and left. My dad hates pot, but still, to this day, has no idea that his wife is a massive pothead (thankfully the pot got her off her morphine dependency relatively quickly)... and he still keeps bashing it. She sent me a picture yesterday, in the three years since this event, when she was(1/2)
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
(2/2) a shriveled skeleton, she's put on a good 35 pounds and now looks as vibrant as she did 20 years ago.
celticrose · 5 years ago
Bright side, I'm really glad she's doing so much better
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Silver linings =p
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@celticrose not sure if this will help but here we go:
One of my cousins was recently informed they had a warrant for their arrest. After looking into the situation they cleared up that the warrant actually isn't for that cousin at all-- it's for my OTHER cousin, who is part of a group of Young Adults that work in shifts begging for money for drugs-- and this OTHER cousin has been giving the first cousin's name to police anytime they get arrested.
Also a different cousin of mine, who is much older than me, used to constantly hit on my father when I was a kid, which was very unpleasant, especially given he was her biological uncle (and no he did not encourage or enjoy the attention at ALL). She would go on to date a series of men and constantly try and point out to people how much like my dad they were. She also implied I should hook up with one of my cousins (one of her sons) at one point when I was younger.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Yet another of my cousins dated a member of a white supremacy gang and was involved in heavy drug use to the point she was institutionalized for several days, also involved in several robberies, and a myriad other crimes. She's only been pregnant 4 or 5 times (that we know of) however, so we have that
bethorien · 5 years ago
I think you might need to make a trip to the pan store, one pan isnt going to cut it
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@bethorien oddly I don't think head trauma would necessarily have any kind of impact on most of these people
bethorien · 5 years ago
then maybe knee and crotch trauma would
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I'd be all for sterilization, but sadly many of them have already had the chance to breed
celticrose · 5 years ago
My cousin has 2 kids, neither of which he has had the least hand in raising, the oldest even has a baby now. Yet he is "raising" his "wife's" son, who is only a few months older than his youngest who he left his parents to raise. Unfortunately he has clinical narcissistic personality disorder as well as bipolar, both of which he has passed on to his youngest.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
At first I thought we were trying to distract you from the insanity, but now I see it's to be a competition is it? I'll admit you might have me beat, but I'm sure there's a few more skeletons rattling around the closet