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flowerkiller · 4 years ago
Personal experience: it comes in what I’m in the mood for....but I married my best friend and while I am sometimes attracted to members of the same sex, our relationship is more than sex. It’s intimacy of a more substantial nature. Figure out what you want in life....settle down now, later, never....and talk about it with your current partner.
Also, sometimes sexual drive comes and goes in your life especially if your hormones are out of control. After I gave birth and while I was breastfeeding, I had absolutely no sexual drive because I was depressed and had other issues weighing on me. Get a check up and have them run some tests if you think you might have a low sex drive for other reasons. During this time I was more attracted to women than men. Not everyone is the same so take it with a grain of salt.
Talk to your SO and possibly your doctor.
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Did someone say talk to your doctor? :D
In all seriousness, I've only ever felt something like that once, and that only lasted about a few hours, but my gf has told me before that shes had instances where shes leaned more towards the gay side of her than the straight side of her, even after we started dating. So what you're feeling now seems normal to me atm
guest_ · 4 years ago
Not bisexual- but have been close to many people of many orientations and am an overall lover of love and emotional and sexual health. It’s normal to go through phases- even those of us closer to the hetero end of the spectrum will find a certain “type” completely infatuating and then later at best view that type as artistically appealing but be aroused by another type. Only you know if you’re feeling something or not. With most things like this- especially in relationships where dynamics and sexuality are more complex- communication is key.
guest_ · 4 years ago
Your sexuality is part of your identity and self. Attraction and sex aren’t the only aspects or even the most important ones in a relationship- but they are very important aspects of self and of overall health and happiness. To love you is to love who you are- and your sexuality is part of you. I have friends in all manner of “open” or “polyamorous” relationships and when they found the right partner- it was the one who understood and accepted them as they were. That doesn’t mean they didn’t have some compromise. All relationships have that.
guest_ · 4 years ago
But establishing the “rules,” trusting each other to follow them, and following them are key to any relationship- whatever the sexualities and dynamics. Infidelity or sexual frustration are almost always a case of partners not understanding or communicating “the rules,” or not following the ones agreed upon. Heck- I knew a bisexual man who wasn’t attracted to men, but loved penis. He was really turned on by and enjoyed penis, but he was turned off by male forms and on by female. He met and happily dated then wed a trans woman. So think about your needs, talk to your dude, and find something that works for you- and hopefully both of you.
guest_ · 4 years ago
I wish you the best of luck and known its hard to have a good thing but be missing something. With any lick this guy is the right one and you two can come to an understanding that you can both be happy with.
catfluff · 4 years ago
oh yeah, I forgot to mention when I was on antidepressants my sex drive was completely gone.
mialinay · 4 years ago
First of all, thank each and everyone of you because I'm feeling very understood and a lot better about my situation now. I'll try and reply to everyone of you individually.
mialinay · 4 years ago
Again, kink, bummer to hear, but I've been in relationships with guys that didn't really match with me too, and trust me, it feels so much better when you find someone on your wavelength
mialinay · 4 years ago
@unicycle thank you for the analysis. Yup, asexuality was also what crossed my mind. I do hope it's only temporary though, because I've always enjoyed my sexuality and being kinky and stuff. We'll see about that, let's hope it's just a phase.
mialinay · 4 years ago
@funkmasterrex also interesting insight. I never quite seperated sexual from normal attraction, but it does make sense. Just as ofc the fact that you can have purely sexual encounters with people you don't have a romantic connection to.
mialinay · 4 years ago
@flowerkiller thank you too. I also feel like it would only be a winning situation if I got to spend my life with him. Because even when we took away the sexual part, I enjoyed each and every minute with him, everything we're doing is fun and that's what I really want in life. Also we compared our life goals and they totally fit each other and are more than combineable.
mialinay · 4 years ago
Oh and also I am diagnosed with bipolarity and I did notice a decline in sexual interests earlier in my depressive phases. I recently found a medication that seems to have heavily positive effects on my moods, but sadly it's incompatible with my birth control. So I will switch my contraception method (wanted to do that anyway) but that'll cost me 300-400€ and that's money I don't have right now
mialinay · 4 years ago
@dr_richard_ew how did you feel when she told you that?
mialinay · 4 years ago
Also thanks @_guest, I always love your comments and the time you take to write them. I've also discovered early already that communication and "establishing rules" is the key to a successful and trusting relationship. So I'll try my best to do so. But I think I wouldn't be the kind of girl for an open or polyamourous relationship, cause even if I'm not irrationally jealous, it would be too much for a relationship system like this. Though I do know a girl who has a compromise with her boyfriend that she can see other girls. And it seems to work out pretty well for them. Right now I'm not in a relationship with the guy (let's call him A) yet, and we did agree that it's not binding until I say so, but I would feel bad about pursuing my desires without telling him. Just wouldn't feel right.
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
@mialinay I was fine with it
jmmcclain · 4 years ago
Follow your heart, your head, your feets. Know there are a lot of people who care about you here and I'm sure elsewhere who want you to be so happy. Take your time and talk with him.
who_cares · 4 years ago
Hi @mialinay.
Because everything has already been spoken by everybody here and I am from the medical field, I would like to know what medicines you are taking right now for BPAD. Maybe this is the locus of the problem and is going unnoticed. Are you taking lithium/sodium valproate/clozapine currently? Also, have you gotten your serum levels checked recently for the therapeutic levels of these drugs?
I am enquiring about it because the problem that you are depicting doesn't actually seem to be related with bisexuality but rather not being sexual. As you said earlier that you do not want sexual relationships with women but just cuddle and adore them. It may be because you feel comfortable around the same sex rather than being sexually attracted to them. Sex drive is basically controlled by the limbic system in our brain and certain neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and nor epinephrine and they are directly related to the medicines you might be taking.
mialinay · 4 years ago
@dr_richard_ew that's good to hear
@jmmcclain thank you for the reminder <3
@who_cares tbh I'm not taking anything at the moment. I only have a weak form of bipolarity and when I talked to my doc I told her that my ups are much more seldom then my downs, and that I actually enjoy them because they make me more productive. So we agreed that I wouldn't take a stabilizer but rather an antidepressant (it's called escitalopram). But by now I stopped taking it, so now I'm off meds. The med I was talking about is amber (or hypericum perforatum).
who_cares · 4 years ago
Have you been feeling low lately? I mean it could be that you feel bad over certain small issues which you would have otherwise ignored. Or have you been feeling lazy?