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scatmandingo · 4 years ago
Yup. Not going to miss him. For the record I didn’t mean he was obsessed with committing suicide, nor suicidal, just obsessed with it in general what with the posts following some YouTube guy who killed himself and the angry attacks on anyone who dared to make a joke when the subject was being discussed.
Honestly, I don’t remember the guy being here before a couple of weeks ago. Did I just not notice him?
vitklim · 4 years ago
Congrats you people, for making another person that I respected leaving the site. Fuck you scatmandingo, if there is a person that deserves to be removed it's you.
xvarnah · 4 years ago
@parisqeen well sadly I've just not had the energy to spread around, but trying to make a comeback. Can't promise it'll be to the same extent, but we'll see. :)
I'm very glad to see you haven't disappeared - I don't know if you're iconic for anything in particular, but I do enjoy your comments. Case in point haha. And Hopefully whatever lead you away wasn't anything too serious either :)
creativedragonbaby · 4 years ago
@vitklim while @funkmasterrex may be at fault, there’s no call for insults.
As said above, and what I’ve read on another post, Rex made a reference to SOUTH PARK (an already risqué show) and gave feedback on pumas essay.
Puma took it quite harshly. On the internet, it’s hard to judge how people will react.
All in all, everyone is partially at fault and there is NO CALL for insulting others
creativedragonbaby · 4 years ago
(That includes you @scatmandingo. This is no place for harsh words)
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
So I guess this is what happens when you push the red button.
vitklim · 4 years ago
Yeah, I'm sorry for being unreasonably harsh to funk, I wasn't exactly aware of what he said at the time of writing that. scatmandingo on the other hand, can still go suck a fat one, given how he treated the situation and made things worse by a magnitude.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Dude, in all seriousness, if you are going to be angry at someone, be angry at me, not @scatmandingo.
Both @1_puma and I escalated the situation FUBAR. Scat was just doing damage control.
Red buttons... irony.
vitklim · 4 years ago
Disparaging him after he announced he was going to leave is far worse than what you have said. Spitting on the figurative grave of someone people care about is more than any insult. Just read the comment puma left above.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Aaaand your Tom Riddle is showing.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Notice.... I didn't make this fucking thread; I'd be happier with it all ending. As long as this goes on, yes, I'm going to continue talking, and the longer it goes on I'll just become more of a jester.... because we all know this is bullshit.
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
@vitklim You seem confused. I’ve never insulted puma, merely voiced my opinion on him after he declared he had left, so I can’t be responsible for his departure. He, on the other hand, called @allpower1227 “a piece of shit” a few days ago, and me “a fucking monger.” You, yourself, have told me “fuck you” and that I can “suck a big fat one.” I stand by my opinion of the guy. I think he made this thread saying he’d left just so he could come back and be insulted later on. I wish him no ill, nor would I resort to name calling but I think his behavior is not positive and people like him suck the fun out of this site.
allpower1227 · 4 years ago
How did I get dragged into this???
allpower1227 · 4 years ago
Oh I just read it.
creativedragonbaby · 4 years ago
We just need to tone down all the insults.
People are all too ready to fight each other on the internet
calvinoot · 4 years ago
I don't really want to get into the drama of this community so instead of commenting on the right and wrong and the good and bad I am just going to say goodbye to @1_puma and I hope you find joy and fullness elsewhere in the world. This is a great community and I don't think it is wise to point blame on anyone, we also can't judge one another when many of us haven't even had the pleasure of actually getting to know one another, if you don't know someone personally I think you should keep your negative thoughts to yourself. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and life, may we turn this community into the fun place it is meant to be.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
You know what would be really funny? We Waco this shit and all drink the kool-aid.
I'm sorry. That was a horrible joke. That was so much worse than what started all this lol.
that_creepy_guy · 4 years ago
It's funny, when you've been around this site for a long time you realize that in the end none of this matters. The poeple who want to stay find a reason to stay, while everybody else who are only here for the memes don't last. We've got a weird community with it's quirks and occasional flared tempers, but it's still a great community nonetheless
parisqeen · 4 years ago
@xvarnah Hey you have no obligation to stick around, live your life, this site can wait. I hope you start feeling better soon <3
I just had exams so had to focus on study for a bit haha, nothing too serious. Welcome back.
famousone · 4 years ago
All this fun stuff was happening right underneath my nose. Damn.