hyperion · 4 years ago
It's just an air base. The the reason why it's top secret and high security is because it's also a testing site. If aliens did exist and they crashed their ships, Area 51 Is the place where the remains would be stored and examined. It's also where they keep a lot of prototypes. Your plans cant get stolen if no one can see what you are doing. But that is not to forget that the only place other place to know about plane prototypes and plans would be either the UN or NATO. Before a plane or ship goes into production it must be approved by one of those two organizations. So yeah, the US is good at hiding stuff and only American agents are allowed and they must have a high clearance level
hyperion · 4 years ago
Also little known fact. The only family to ever have access even after presidency was the Bush family. As to why? I don't know. However not many know that George H. W. Bush could go in and out at any time, and so could his son (Geroge W. Bush).
People really dont know how much political power that family has along with the Clinton's
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Yeah in all honesty I assume that it's just a place for testing weapons or whatever (military stuff that I couldn't care less about), but it's more fun to believe than to not believe.
But no my main question is, what are people doing there? Are they actually planning to storm into there and discover what's going on?
hyperion · 4 years ago
Yes. We need to know what's going on. They cant stop all of us
famousone · 4 years ago
Either a few people will be arrested, or a lot of people will be killed.
demon_razgriz · 4 years ago
It's a USAF Air Base, with numerous runways and hangars. As far it goes with knowledge of projects it's being used to develop different flight technologies and was instrumental in the development of the Lockheed U-2.
As of right now it's speculated that it's just aircraft testing or nuclear testing.
That's about it.
thatguyyouknow · 4 years ago
I'm hoping people try doing it so I can see the blood bath that'll be all over the web
popsy · 4 years ago
It's not much different from China Lake,Ca or Fallon,Nv. The Stealth Bomber and Fighter caused some UFO sightings when thay began flight test.
demon_razgriz · 4 years ago
When the U2 was being developed, tested and flown, they actually saw a sharp spike in UFO reports. military fighter jets typically operated at around 20,000 ft and commercial airlines crushed at around 40,000 ft but the U2 operated at around 60,000 feet and the incredibly long wingspan and radar low profile/paint allowed sunlight to glance off the surface incredibly brightly causing pilots from all across the region to report these as UFO's