Gay_Furry is no more.
by zont · 28 comments 5 years ago
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dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I wasnt judging you. If anything you're a lot tamer than some furries I've seen before
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Damn, it's not gonna be as funny when you comment "nice" on furry posts without your name. Regardless, I'm glad you aren't leaving cause that chat title worried me for a bit.
nicengelman · 5 years ago
Z.O.N.T. can stand for Zippered Ocelot Now Topping! It's like your name didn't change at all!
xvarnah · 5 years ago
So you're still gay and still furry, but are you still _?
zont · 5 years ago
I didn't like how my posts were controversial just because of my name. It was a tough decision getting rid of the thing that made some of my comments funnier. I'm going to try to be a little tamer with my content too. (Definitely not going to post cropped yiff memes, like when i first created the account)
zont · 5 years ago
Maybe i'll sign off with:
for the posts that require a furry comment
zont · 5 years ago
@nicengelman Zont wasn't meant to stand for anything haha.
@xvarnah the _ is no more.
nicengelman · 5 years ago
Is it ok if I post cropped yiff memes?
zont · 5 years ago
I've got no problem with it, but i'm not sure Dave will like it. I haven't asked what his stance on yiff is.
poisin_kat · 5 years ago
I really thought that this title meant you were banned or leaving forever, thankfully I was wrong. I definitely enjoyed your presence as it was quite notable and funny
zont · 5 years ago
Aww, i had no clue so many people liked my comments. Y'all are so kind.
nicengelman · 5 years ago
Yeah, you got us all boned up. Just so, so, so boned up
hydrofalcon · 5 years ago
If It makes you feel any better, those down voters where pretty not cool in doing that and couldn’t just let something go if it bothered them so just ignore ppl like that. Plus I honestly thought it was a joke and didn’t care if it was true or not so everything will still be the same in the community, just a new name :) Also I got really worried by the title I thought you died or something pls no
zont · 5 years ago
I didnt mean to make anyone worry with my title. I'm sorry *-*
nicengelman · 5 years ago
Is ok zOnt
under_fire · 5 years ago
I thought it was pretty funny how I'd see a post relating to furries in any way, go to the comments and see you saying "nice" casually
mialinay · 5 years ago
Glad to hear you're not leaving, sad to hear you had to change your name :(
Also I love how everyone is like, rather serious anf understanding, and then there's all of @nicengelman s comments haha
purplepumpkin · 5 years ago
Well I guess now it's gonna be like a secret club, we'll see "zont" and be like "haha nice" knowing it's a code word for "gay_furry" while the guests and people who didn't see this chat won't suspect anything.
mialinay · 5 years ago
You mean like banana changing to rosebud? And mighty oak to fell equinox? I live having insider knowledge like that haha
zont · 5 years ago
It'll be nice to be part of an inside joke haha ^^