calvinoot · 4 years ago
There are probably some online forums for it, but I'm guessing you have looked into those before posting here, maybe make a post on reddit or something? Surely some people would be willing to have you join a group.
captainjackharknes · 4 years ago
Man I really wanna play D&D too, but apparently I have commitment issues?
calvinoot · 4 years ago
Oh my god same my dude, I always want to join my friends but I just don't know if I have the patience to stay with them during the whole game.
captainjackharknes · 4 years ago
That and like, with my random work schedule, things would have to be planned on a daily basis.
deleted · 4 years ago
@bethorien We may have found another vic-I mean player.
nightkami · 4 years ago
@grimreaper I'm developing a terrible habit of creating full characters and backstory and everything so got quite a few sacrificial lambs.
@calvinoot, Wasnt really sure where to start and I dont really delve into the abyss of reddit. Still skimming at the moment.
deleted · 4 years ago
Me too. I've lost like 5 characters in the span of 6 months. And I also do that. But me, bethorien, serosenpai (if you remember him), and another guy have a game you could join.
nightkami · 4 years ago
What time do you guys usually do stuff?
calvinoot · 4 years ago
Well look at this! Funsub really has all kinds of substance! Good luck to you guys!
deleted · 4 years ago
From 3 to 9 on Wednesdays and Fridays, plus Sundays from 2 to 9.
nightkami · 4 years ago
Nooo Im not home until about 6:30. Down here in Texas. Damn thats longer than I thought.
deleted · 4 years ago
Yeah we have long sessions. It's a shame you can't join up.
nightkami · 4 years ago
Yeah damn. Figured I would ask though. Eventually I'll find some real people to rope into a game even if I have to DM it myself.