hyperion · 4 years ago
Stay woke
captainjackharknes · 4 years ago
mialinay · 4 years ago
Lucky you. Coffeine doesn't work on me most of the times, and sometimes it works in a paradox way even.
captainjackharknes · 4 years ago
Eh, it wakes my brain but not my body.
mialinay · 4 years ago
I bought myself coffeine pills, with 200mg each (an espresso has 20mg of coffeine I think)
captainjackharknes · 4 years ago
The store I work at sold Reign, but for some reason there's none on the shelves. They have 300mg of caffeine, and are cheaper than Monster.
mialinay · 4 years ago
And once I really wanted to be super awake, and knowing that it doesn't work that well with my body, I took 3 of them. Which resulted in a fast heart rate while still being super tired. Damn that was exhausting.
ratfink11 · 4 years ago
Kratom is the only safe thing ill use.
mialinay · 4 years ago
Hmm I mostly don't like energy drinks, they're too sweet for me. The only one I like is sour apple by rockstar
interesting · 4 years ago
@mialinay if ingesting that much caffeine doesnt work or actually has the opposite effect you may legitimately have a thyroid problem you need to get checked...
interesting · 4 years ago
Energy drinks amp you up not so much with caffeine but with all the byproducts they put in them. Your body can only absorb 200 mg of caffeine at a time so if you're ingesting something with more or feeling more wired than when you drink a cup of coffee (normal cup of coffee has 120-180 mg of caffeine) then something else in the drink is responsible for the 'energy'.
interesting · 4 years ago
And when I say normal cup I mean mixed coffee where I'm assuming you have shots of espresso. Just a cup of black coffee is between 80-90 mg of caffeine. A shot of espresso is between 60-70 mg by itself.
captainjackharknes · 4 years ago
I'm ADHD, so for some reason grape juice gives me the jitters. Energy drinks wake my brain up, but doesn't leave me all shakey.