this_isntme · 4 years ago
I can't post. LOL. Butthurt much?
this_isntme · 4 years ago
And now they are saying there were watermarks. There were no watermarks. I defy them to reshow them with watermarks. to prove their reasoning. If they don't well.They were asleep .
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
Perhaps you could start this story at the beginning so the rest of us have some idea what you are talking about.
this_isntme · 4 years ago
I posted a series of ponies because it was all bots. It was on point and there were no watermarks. I was simply pointing out that even absurd posts were better than bots.
That's the story.
Then they cancelled my posts .
Said I had watermarks.
I can use any number of ways to remove a watermark,
I simply responded.
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
Is it your intention to bring focus to the issue of bots with the goal that the mods work to eliminate them?
this_isntme · 4 years ago
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
Then you need to open your eyes. There are no “bots”. There is one automated process that procures content from other sites and posts it on FunSubstance and it is run by... drum roll... the mods. No one else has access to hundreds of stale accounts with which to post. No one else has any reason to run a bot; it’s not like you get paid for posting. The mods do it because there isn’t enough content posted by the user community to keep the site running. If they turn it off you would see a new post every couple of hours instead of every couple of minutes.
this_isntme · 4 years ago
So it's a Bot?
this_isntme · 4 years ago
one automated process that procures content from other sites Sounds like a bot
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
Call it what you want. It isn’t some third party who is making the posts. It’s the site itself.