chocolatefeces · 4 years ago
My brother and I recently talked at length about being introverts. I'm somewhere in the middle of the range I think, whereas he's just on the light end of being and introvert. We talked about saying no to things people invite you to so that you can have some time to recharge your body and mind. Over the years, I've become alright with saying no. For music shows and stuff like that, I'll usually make an effort to go, because of many reasons. Family stuff is always awesome, but just friends and co-workers often take a back seat to my desire to just be alone. And yet, it seems that I'm still liked by them. I don't think it's wrong to look out for myself and my own comfort. Thoughts?
savage_demmigod · 4 years ago
Pretty much every time but then I remember that it's also important to look after myself
themommy1 · 4 years ago
I used to... but age has made it easier to say no.
zont · 4 years ago
I do feel bad about it, yeah. Nobody invites me anywhere anymore though, sooo
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Not anymore. It just took practice. I'm never mean about it.
tarotnathers13th · 4 years ago
Not really. I prefer being alone.
parisqeen · 4 years ago
I guess I didn't really feel bad, it was more that slight fear of whether I was missing out on something or that this event might have helped me feel better but with time I got to know myself and my limits. I know now that if I go out with friends or do something I'll need at least 2 and a half days to recharge, that's how I am and my friends know this so I don't need to feel guilty as they understand I need that time to feel up to going out again. I love my friends and family but if I really want to enjoy my time with them, I have to look after myself first.
llamas0can0fly · 4 years ago
I’m the kind of introvert where I don’t ever talk to people but with my friends I’m an extroverted pretty much. I do feel bad but it’s mostly my mom making me feel bad. I think that as long as you don’t say no to all of them you should be fine.
mostlyghostly06 · 4 years ago
No. Definitely not. It makes me sad if that’s what you mean because I hate to not get all the new jokes or anything but in the end i don’t get guilty mainly bc I have Attack on Titan and Dr Stone to distract me.
deleted · 4 years ago
No rl friends (except my fiancée) and the only time my family gets together are funerals so nothing to feel bad about for me
hyperion · 4 years ago
Former introvert.
I somehow felt bad for not being incuded to a lot of stuff so I always went. Sometimes I had a good time and others I had a bad time and wanted to go home.
lihea · 4 years ago
I feel bad as well. Often because I actually do want to go, but I simply don't have the energy for it.
The way I have tried to solve it is by telling ppl that I am not able to socialize a lot and need to be mindful not to over extend myself because I will exhaust myself if I do.
If they don't understand it at first I try to explain it to them in more detail and if they after that cannot find understanding for my situation then I shrug it off and find new people who can.
It sounds a bit harsh, but in order to take good care of myself I need people in my life who will understand and support that. Those that can't I wish the best, but we will likely not see each other anymore.
yamz · 4 years ago
Most of my friends are extroverts. And they have worked for years to get me comfortable around them. They're aware that I'm introverted and that I have my social limits. So I'm able to tell them when I need my solitude and silence and they let it be but still extend the invite so that I dont feel left out. I love them.