dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
I get up an hour before class starts, take a quick shower (and I mean very quick bc this apartment only has about 5 minutes of hot water per day), eat breakfast, and walk to class for about 5-10 minutes (I usually get there about 5 or so minutes before the teacher does).
Every day in my morning class I have been practically falling asleep every time and my professors are starting to get sick of it. Any tips for waking up better that dont involve coffee?
internet · 4 years ago
Maybe it's not about waking up but going to sleep earlier? Also, I'm not sure if this'll work for you but, what I do when I notice myself feeling sleepy during class is I try to straighten my posture. That way my body doesn't feel as relaxed and it's harder to fall asleep
jeremy · 4 years ago
take a cold shower
1_puma · 4 years ago
There are so many factors...you may be using too much caffeine, may not be receiving all your necessary nutrients, sleeping too much/too little...it could be as simple as attitude. Not much works for me, but literally jumping up and down has proved effective in the past. Also, doing exercise between classes helps. You could always try modafinil for focus. I’m not really one to talk, because I am a chronic/hyper-insomniac, but maybe I mentioned something you haven’t tried...hope you find something soon.
unicycle · 4 years ago
Alright so obviously you should be aiming for 8-9 hours of sleep per night so start by making sure you're getting that. You should go to sleep and wake up around the same times every day, whether you have class or not, so your sleep cycles become regular. Use a sleep calculator (like https://sleepyti.me) to figure out when to fall asleep or wake up according to sleep cycles. Waking up in the middle of a cycle makes you much more groggy and tired than waking up between cycles.
parisqeen · 4 years ago
I agree with pretty much everyone here, as an ex-insomniac with an awful sleep schedule trying to go to bed at a reasonable time really does help. I know when you're watching a show or doing something at 12pm you feel totally fine but your future self will love you so much if you start going to bed earlier now. Also, if you find yourself feeling really tired throughout the entire day I'd suggest you get a blood test done, you might have low iron so getting iron supplements can really make a difference to not only your focus/ alertness but your overall wellbeing. I'd focus on longterm solutions rather than quick easy fixes but drinking cold water is always a good one to keep you feeing fresh.
llamas0can0fly · 4 years ago
This doesn’t always work but sometimes I will get up like 1-2 hours earlier than I need to be, then I will get ready like normal and go back to sleep till I have 20 minutes till I go, to fix whatever my short sleep messed up. I feel like I get more sleep that way. I don’t know if it would work for other people tho.
carbonatedwaffles · 4 years ago
With Folgers in your cuuuuuuuup
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
I sleep well though, at leatd not the 8 hours recommended for me. I go to bed at 10pm and toss and turn until 3am, it happens every night I try to do so.
Also no, I said no folgers. Nice meme though ;)
1_puma · 4 years ago
Perhaps you require less sleep? Instead of trying to adhere to someone else’s schedule, listen to your body. The general public knows very little about sleep. 6-8 hours is recommended for normative folks. You may not fit that description. I’m down to, on average, less than an hour/night, and can operate just fine. Sometimes, it’s about rest of the mind. I’m not always active during my 23+ waking hours; sometimes, I just lie there and listen to my thoughts. It’s better to have a rested body than one that struggles during the core hours of the night to get comfortable. Just an out-there suggestion.
tarotnathers13th · 4 years ago
Perhaps try sleeping at a later time than 10:00? For whatever reason it seems like your brain and body doesn't want to sleep at that point. Maybe just unwind and relax with a book or something that isn't electronic until you start drifting, or if changing your bedtime to a later time isn't feasible/reasonable, try something physical when you feel sleepy during the day. One of those hand grip strengthening tools or even a tennis ball you can squeeze when you start feeling tired. It's hard to fall asleep when your body is doing something, even as small as that.