timebender25 · 4 years ago
You can share your dreams here if you'd like. It' be fun, but you don't have to. I mostly made it so I could post about the flittered shards of a dream i had last night.
timebender25 · 4 years ago
The dream's in shattered pieces at this point, I never remember them long after waking. But I was in a waiting room of some kind and was like, "Hey, this is boring. Imma get on FS." So I got on, but realized later in a comment that I wasn't logged in. So I go to log in and can't, so I approach a person in this waiting room who is apparently a Future Archangel or whatever because I'm told that I broke the rules and so my account AND my joke alt that doesn't exist @tempussubjicitreiiv have been not just been banned, but "...completely deleted".
As a note, do not try to create an account on DreamFunstance. The process is hell and I failed the task repeatedly because the program just would not accept my answers. It kept trying to put me into a training course for something when all I wanted was to get an account back.
timebender25 · 4 years ago
'course, things probably would have gone smoother if I just accepted the course, because me refusing to do the course ended up causing a bigger mess, so at least my unconscious ALSO recognizes how bad I am at not causing issues.
I never actually got the account back, either because the dream switched or I woke up and I can't really tell.
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I keep reading your fake account as teampussy fyi. But outside of that basically you're telling us an archangel visited you in your dreams but you couldn't complete the quest they gave you because you didn't want to follow the tutorial
timebender25 · 4 years ago
Yeah, basically.
zont · 4 years ago
Ah, a dream thread.
I had a, uh... very vivid dream a few nights back.
I was set up to look like an abusive subhuman, and my mom left me to die, despite knowing what actually happened.
The thing is, I think it was more than a dream. My mom has been gaslighting me recently, and she got my older brother admitted to a mental hospital, so I'm really concerned. Her entire attitude changed towards me recently too. She's started treating me the way she did my brother before he went crazy.
I'm not saying that it's supernatural that I had that dream, but I've told a few other people about it and they've said it is 100%. I've also correctly predicted future events a few times, usually relating to my older brother getting angry and attacking people, hours before he showed any signs.
But yeah, she's shown some other really fucky behaviours recently too, but I won't go into much detail.
God, I hope I'm wrong. I really do.
xvarnah · 4 years ago
More likely your dream is your brain expressing your fears about the way your mom is treating you and the way she treated your brother in the past. Possibly even some of your fears about being a furry? Not sure - you mentioned before you hide it from people I think out of fear of how your family will respond? If I'm thinking of someone else then disregard that entirely.
Either way your dream - being treated as subhuman, deliberately misunderstood (and forced to question if you're to blame because of that), and then abandoned in the aftermath - is a pretty good analysis of what being gaslit feels like. Particularly when it goes as far as it did with your brother.
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Whatever consolation it might be you definitely have never come across as crazy to me. Fairly level headed, actually
zont · 4 years ago
Haha, I don't think it's to do with me being a furry. I don't hide it, but I also don't show it off. The subject has never really come up, so I haven't said anything. It's a more of a hobby than something I'd need to 'come out' with.
And yeah, my deepest fear is being betrayed yet another time. It's happened too many times already. That, and not being able to act are the 2 things I want to prevent ever happening again.
I've been gaslit in the past by my stepfather too. I guess I've fallen for it again.
creativedragonbaby · 4 years ago
Part one of my dream I just had:
I was at a second event of a one-yearly event, so that was weird enough.
I was at this stall trying those yoghurt ropes coated in this chewy stuff (can’t remember what they’re called) and I liked the sour blue flavour. Usually they’re very expensive, but there was one that was short that was cheaper. I was going to buy it, but I saw my friend there and called out “hey.” And he was really surprised to see me there.
I turned around and suddenly another friend appeared by my side facing the same way, and I bunched up my hood, turned around and said “no pictures! No pictures!” As soon as I did, this stranger immediately pulled out his phone.
Suddenly I was in another shop altogether and bought something, I can’t remember what it was but I never got that yoghurt thing.
timebender25 · 4 years ago
Thinkin' that it's kinda fucked that the closest I got to crying the last 7-ish years was in a dream last night and even then I never managed to summon tears, just feel groggy and horrible.
Yo brain, I kinda really need that, FYI. Could you stop substituting Tear.ttf with soreThroat_headache.lms?
creativedragonbaby · 4 years ago
Hoo boy.
Are you hydrated?