karlboll · 4 years ago
Wow, classy.
cryscross · 4 years ago
That's nothing. One of the guys floors in my college had a perp they referred to as "the phantom pooper". He would leave piles all over. In the sink. On a window sill in the middle of the hallway. The guys had serious gall, and as far as I know, no one ever caught him in the act or found out who it was.
creativedragonbaby · 4 years ago
That's literally nothing. I heard someone put a dirty pad (feminine product) in the school elevator, spread shit all over the toilet seats, and written on the mirrors.
You are a mere child.
parisqeen · 4 years ago
Same thing happened at our school , the principal had to have a talk to the entire school about how it isn't appropriate to spread your shit all over walls and mirrors.
harvesterofmen · 4 years ago
The worst I had was last year. There was a guy in my dorm who would pee in dunkin cups and leave them in the stairwell. And there was also a guy who filled a condom with pee and then hung it on one of the coat hangers in the bathroom. Absolute savages.
art_with_ghost · 4 years ago
Wow I literally have nothing compared to y’all’s stories but I can say we had a fight in which there were 11 people arrested, and our mirrors are slated of metal that are also written on. Anyone have any terrible stories? My friend is homeschooled so it’ll be fun to tell him these.
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Last year I opened the door of a stall in the girls bathroom and let out a "yeeeeek" that was heard from two classrooms away. The only way I can describe what I saw is a crime scene. I'm talking full uterus explosion on the floor, door, walls. I felt disgusted and sorry for both the satanic waterfall girl and the poor cleaning lady.
art_with_ghost · 4 years ago
Holy shit.
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
That was most unholy and certainly not shit, but that's the spirit!
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
On hindsight, I'll add that the girl bathroom in a pubic school or college seems to be the perfect place to commit a murder, as everyone wil automatically assume it's just period blood.
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
*pubLic dammit. Sorry for spamming!!
aviva · 4 years ago
This may not be like the other stories but early this month, I went to pick my cousin up from school and really needed to use the toilet. The toilets are in a way were you can hear everything in the boy's toilet from the girl's. I was the only one there. Then a guy got in the other bathroom and I heard moaning and it sounded like he was pleasing himself. He let out a really weird sound moments after, ripped some toilet paper, and flushed the toilet and walked out(all in under 10 minutes). I think he came in the girl's toilet and knocked on the stall doors(including mine), and immediately walked out.