Half-price La-z-boys!!!!
by funkmasterrex · 10 comments 4 years ago
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
This is a paid advertisement.
Greg- NO IT'S NOT!
Hi, I'm Bill Mays; have you recently broken your recliner?!
Laz-y-boy her with a 45% off discount and a life time warranty! Don't fuck up your recliner again!
True life confessions-
I fucked up my recliner (it had wood glue only, no hinge bolts... plus it's a pain in the ass to move because it doesn't separate. There is no warranty, and all I want for Christmas is for my chair to not actively shape my spine. I once had a laz-y-boy, but I was dumb enough to let it become infested with bugs. I have realized the recklessness of my actions and I only want to correct them. Oh, that lifetime warranty sounds dope as well... and the fact the frame may be glued together, there are fucking hinge bolts to keep that shit stuck if the glue fails.
-These are the reasons, I, Funkmasterrex, fully endorse, and wish for Christmas, Laz-y-Boy.
"Where the fuck else are you going to drink?"
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
I'm dead serious though... I have fabric samples otw; this sale goes on til the 24th and I'm getting myself a proper fucking recliner for x-mas. This is one of the rare items that trumps my LEGO desire.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Oh, that bug infested laz-y-boy was infected over a decade ago; it's not my current recliner. It lasted over 30 years before I fucked it up; my dad bought it in 1980. I didn't know. I DIDN'T KNOW!!!!
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Haha... "This is the chair".
I crack myself up.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
When you sit on Santa's lap, what does Santa sit on?! A CHAIR!
Wonder why people put so much thought into chairs? Comfort and durability. That's TEGRIDY.
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Alright on a scale of 1 to 10 how high are you right now?
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Honestly I wasn't high, I was just practicing a con-man argument.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
Oh.. it worked; free chair....
Let us go back to 1985... my dad and mom are trying to deck out their apartment; my dad being my dad, does... duh... purchases a laz-y-boy. Knowing this would upset my mom, as she is a huge Minnesota Vikings fan, he goes further and buys a second one.
Divorce; shit split... two chair... one chair...
Eventually I moved out, came back, moved out again and took the chair with me and fucked it up with bugs because of lazy and drugs.
I buy new chair... new chair sucks... new chair breaks.... I recollect knowledge of chairs from those before me and know how to make my next move:
Sitting down.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
I might send my dad a chair; haven't decided yet. I know he'd love it though.