deleted · 4 years ago
karlboll · 4 years ago
That's sounds wonderful.
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
mialinay · 4 years ago
I would often like to stop existing for a while, without hurting anyone emotionally.
Just for like half a year or so.
parisqeen · 4 years ago
Exactly what @mialinay said, I've been working on that feeling though. I think it's strongest when I'm stressed or there's too many things happening or I'm feeling depressed. I don't think it's a negative feeling even though it hurts, it feels more like my brain telling me it needs a break.
nightkami · 4 years ago
I want one of those sensory deprivation chambers and something to stretch my whole damn body like one of those medieval torture things. Gravity sucks.
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Idk man, that kinda sounds like dying to me, but in a more spiritual oogway sort of way
zont · 4 years ago
I want to go into cryo stasis and leave this pitiful current world behind. Just be a frozen 'corpse' for a few millennia.
I'd like to live in a transhuman society.
Far away from all of my problems, away from my own body that I hate so much.
I'd miss my friends though. But if I could bring them with me, I'd go with no hesitation.
creativedragonbaby · 4 years ago
I don’t really feel that need/desire.
I am lucky enough to not have huge mental issues.
My autism makes me sad sometimes tho. I feel like I’m the seventh wheel
parisqeen · 4 years ago
I'm happy you don't feel that way, gives me a little more motivation to push through that feeling
cryoenthusiast · 4 years ago
Yeah not feeling like this right now but it was a strange desire. Not the usual I wanna go into the woods and be a hermit type feeling of escape.
karlboll · 4 years ago
@cryoenthusiast Going into the woods and being a hermit is great though. I do that as often as I can for as long as I can.
cryoenthusiast · 4 years ago
Need some survival skills first though. Like shelter making, foraging, and other food related skills, as well as fire starting
karlboll · 4 years ago
Corporals Corner on YouTube is my recommendation then.
art_with_ghost · 4 years ago
All the flipping time.
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I think most people feel this at least once in their life
Also I misread zont's comment as "trashhuman" and I wasn't sure why they'd wanna live in a place like that, but I had a few recommendations
spookykink58 · 4 years ago
Yup. That sounds like a great idea.
Bonus if I become a single conscious absorbing all the universe into me.