What do you think of the pandemic outbreak in China?
by deleted · 17 comments 4 years ago
who_cares · 4 years ago
I think snakes are planning to invade the earth and kill us.
savage_demmigod · 4 years ago
Not too fond of it since I'll be flying soon. Hopefully no one on the planes I'm taking will have it
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I think it must be really stressful for people in the town it originated but I feel like the medias are trying to create a fear to get people to listen to them. For instance there are 3 cases in Paris and already no more face masks in pharmacies... Honestly I'm a bit confused by all of this.
mialinay · 4 years ago
It is just as the prophecies foretold.
poisin_kat · 4 years ago
It’s a bit overkill, but the most well known caronavirus, SARS, hit Canada (my country) pretty hard not far from me at all. We had the highest fatality rate in the world, and it was a big thing in Canada. Now, this virus has landed in Canada again and I’m hoping we can deal with it better than last time
cryscross · 4 years ago
I read an article that says it's basically the same or a bit less dangerous than a bad flu season and the media just knows panic sells
jokur_and_batmon · 4 years ago
I was in line at a food place and three guys behind me were saying that they’d go to another school dressed in hazmat costumes and follow random people around pretending to be looking for the virus. So, I am mildly disgusted by some people’s treatment of this fatal disease and also wishing for survivors to make a speedy recovery while the who lock this thing down
captainjackharknes · 4 years ago
The what now
creativedragonbaby · 4 years ago
I was gonna write “the who, like doctor Who.”
But then I remembered that it stands for World health organisatio
blazingfrags · 4 years ago
Tbh it's just media making a huge deal of a not so huge outbreak, it only affects people who has a weaker immunity and those are mostly old people and infants(I know that's bad as well) but only 2 percent of affected people die who could have died even from a flu..tbh it's still very bad but not as much as people are terrified of it
mialinay · 4 years ago
Well one of the patients who died was 36 years old and had no other health issues whatsoever. And a 48 year old woman died because she had diabetes, so that's already enough to weaken you for the virus. I don't wanna stir the panic, just wanted to throw that out there.
mialinay · 4 years ago
"experts have noted that among these similar viral diseases, there are genetic predispositions that can influence how a virus affects an individual.
“It’s possible that some young people suffering more intensely in this outbreak may have a genetic predisposition to getting more severe disease,” Dr. Peter Openshaw, a professor of Experimental Medicine at Imperial College London said."
deleted · 4 years ago
blazingfrags · 4 years ago
Tbh I'm really concerned where everything is going...I mean it is probably that all this things happening in just the first month of 2020 is a coincidence but the Eco system is messed up and almost in every country economic distribution is shit on a smaller scale most of people I know personally is in some kinda deep mess...I am mostly positive but things aren't quite going well all over
deleted · 4 years ago
Nope, they are not
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Scientists have discovered insects have defined personalities, which will be relevant to study ecosystems and help biodiversity, and is hella cute. Huge progress has been made in the field of nuclear fusion, which will help us transition to less dirty energy. A biomaterial made of wood and silk could replace plastic. Recent studies help understand how addictions work, which will undoubtedly lead to some progress in treating them. France passed a law to fine supermarkets who intentionnally render their food improper to human consumption, meaning people who have to dumpster dive will get access to more food (still not ideal, but great nonetheless). The list goes on...
I get the gloom but some other, smaller things are there like a beacon of light that will soon burn brighter than the Australian fire.