rydler · 4 years ago
I signed up for counseling. Not for any super big reason. It's free at my college, and i figure it couldn't hurt.
I've had a hard time with stress, anxieties, and dealing with people so i figured i may as well.
Also, I'm a psych major, hoping to be a counselor myself so this'll give me insight to how it works.
anyway yeah
How's y'all?
mrfahrenheit · 4 years ago
Psych is pretty heavy, a few people on my floor are psych majors and they have mammoth workloads atm
rydler · 4 years ago
Mine's light right now, once I hit Research Methods and Statistics I'll be pretty loaded, so I'm planning for those to be my lightest semesters, hour wise.
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
I'm doing fucking great, the game studio I plan to work for chose me and a couple others to test the beta of their latest game before its released onto early access, and the first demo got released today.
Needless to say, I broke the fucking thing in two lol
rydler · 4 years ago
That's awesome!!! I'm excited for you!!
parisqeen · 4 years ago
Research Methods always seems scarier than it is, it's mainly the same things repeated every year and unless you're planning on conducting your own research in the future you only need to know the basics.
I think it's a really smart move going to counselling, even if you feel you don't need it it's lovely having someone to bounce worries and thoughts off of. I hope you see it's benefits soon.
@dr_richard_ew Well done! That's so cool, the connections you make early on can be really useful.
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago