alexayla · 4 years ago
My boyfriend and I recently became long-distance and I was wondering if anyone could help a girl out with any tips/advice? It would be greatly appreciated!
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
How long will you be apart?
nicengelman · 4 years ago
How long is the distance? You might be lucky compared to me and @Kcat
adam44 · 4 years ago
Call him often and make out with your phone. It feels like the real thing.
lnorthstar · 4 years ago
And then disinfect your phone between make out sessions.
But seriously, find small ways to stay connected, online gaming, just sending each other memes or random messages, and stay patient. Be understanding if you know he's at work or out doing something and he doesn't reapond immediately. And vice versa.
Source: my husband is in Crete for a year, he just left in January. It sucks.
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Message her every day. Maybe not all relationships like that sort of thing, but it's what kept mine going for over 2 years
cryscross · 4 years ago
When we were dating I had crappy internet and my husband sent me half of a battleship game in the mail and we played by phone. It was quirky and dumb and fun and sweet all at once
kcat · 4 years ago
I think it’s important to make sure that you spend time with them just as you’d make sure you spent time together if you weren’t apart. Lots of texts, phone calls, voice messages, pictures can help you feel like you’re a part of each other’s lives. Share your day with each other so that you don’t feel like you’re missing out. Do things that you like together, play games, watch movies or if you both like memes tag him on posts in funsub ;) the battleship idea by cryscross is sooo sweet. I think what makes the wait easier is knowing you have a deadline for when it ends. Stay focused on how it’s only temporary and always talk to each other when the distance gets hard. You’ve got this <3
nicengelman · 4 years ago
@kcat damn right baby
alexayla · 4 years ago
You guys are so cute, thanks so much for the advice! Will definitely take everything you’ve said into account! Xo