catfluff · 4 years ago
Yes. Have yet to masta it yet
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
I can lucid dream and sometimes have sleep paralysis so sometimes I get really confused as to when I’m awake and asleep.
karlboll · 4 years ago
That's a new one. I'll give it a try.
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I've tried going to sleep. Haven't even got the hang of that, yet
funkmasterrex · 4 years ago
I can remember when I wake up, but not in real-time as it happens. Both that and waking up are more like transition periods; unless there is an loud alarm clock right there set for a fucked up time (natural cycles... so some random time like 3:27 AM would do it)...
karlboll · 4 years ago
I always remember exactly when I wake up. It's usually around the second cup of coffee.
iccarus · 4 years ago
no, it's also like not knowing what position you are in when you wake up
parisqeen · 4 years ago
I've tried but you can't and if you can I'd be very concerned because that shouldn't be mentally possible
mrfahrenheit · 4 years ago
Yeah, I'm always hyper-aware of my sleep cycles
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
So this reminds me of something I was thinking about after watching Star Trek with my kids. Ever since I first watched it I always wondered how they transferred the person’s consciousness along with their body. Lately I’ve been considering that consciousness isn’t truly linear. We don’t stay conscious at all times, sleep or example, and that there is possibility that we aren’t one consciousness throughout our lives, rather a new instance of ourselves with access to all the experience of the previous versions of ourselves. Akin to rebooting a computer. It shuts downs and when it starts up it loads all the information about itself into its running state.
scatmandingo · 4 years ago
That would mean when You fall asleep you effectively perish and contribute your memories and experience to the pool from which New You will have to figure out who they are when they wake up. Perhaps why some people are better at being morning people. If this were the case then death would merely be the same as going to sleep and then never booting again. The pool of experience would just go unused for the rest of time. I like that idea. We are constantly dying and we will never be aware that the last time was final.