scatmandingo · 4 years ago
I can always tell someone is Mormon before they tell me because of how nice they are. The mythology is a little out there but damned if it doesn’t work to make the followers pleasant people.
deleted · 4 years ago
*deletes recent mean-spirited comment*
adam44 · 4 years ago
That's really thoughtful. Thanks for the offer.
deleted · 4 years ago
Pres Nelson was funny this morning! "When I told you all six months ago that this was going to be a very special Conference and one to remember, this isn't what I had in mind!"
Lol. For reals though, I'm glad we have a doctor for a prophet right now. You know he understands what this is and how to handle it better than most people.
Wonder if there are still people gathering at Temple Square to protest with quarantines going on...
deleted · 4 years ago
If any of you have questions about Mormons or my church in general, don't hesitate to ask. I've been through a 4-year seminary and the equivalent of a religious studies minor, I've been an ordained minister, and I currently teach Sunday school in my local congregation (remotely for now, of course!)