Dealing with stress and anxiety
by dimebag · 17 comments 4 years ago
dimebag · 4 years ago
My country is in lockdown, work is stressful and everything just seems like it's falling apart. I don't even know where else to look for help I'm just so tired of everything
adam44 · 4 years ago
Adam44? Is that you?
adam44 · 4 years ago
Do you have any hobbies, bud?
unicycle · 4 years ago
You're not alone, everyone is feeling strung out and wanting to shut down - that's normal and okay. Do whatever you can to take care of your physical body - sleep or rest for at least eight hours, eat at least some nutritious food, and stay hydrated. Once you're okay physically, it's easier to be okay mentally. Then start looking at your day and see where you might have some extra time for yourself. Maybe you spend an hour every night reading/watching the news; while it's good to be informed, too much can stress you out. So instead take 45 minutes of that hour and do something you really enjoy (do some yoga, work on a jigsaw puzzle, paint, play videogames, etc.) And remember to give yourself a break on the little things; yeah, you might feel better if the floor was vacuumed but don't beat yourself up for not getting to it. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it now more than ever.
dimebag · 4 years ago
Thank you unicycle, I think I just need to remember that. Be kind to myself, if nobody else will
adam44 · 4 years ago
Well....tromp all over my joke why don't you. Lol
mrscollector · 4 years ago
I used to never get anxiety or stress out but being cooped up like this reminds me of when I had depression. I had depression due to getting cabin fever. I moved out into the boonies to watch my Oldest brothers daughter. (Because his gf her mother refused to be a mom even though she was living there) Problem was they never took me to stores or anything I stayed in the house and couldn’t even leave to go outside due to having the baby. So I stayed there for a yr and broke down to cabin fever than to depression.
So I know it is hard right now with having to stay inside and with the world being what it is on top of everything. Best we all can do is stay safe and hold out.
What I do is I go to my bedroom an hour or 2 before I really am going to bed and just lay there in the dark and relax. I watch a video on my phone or play on my switch. My husband and kid are here 24/7 so it’s hectic.
Trust me sometimes just a moment away from everyone and thing is what you need.
deleted · 4 years ago
@dimebag how do you do on audiobooks?
parisqeen · 4 years ago
Take @unicycle's advice, when you feel like the rest of the world is falling a part it's important to focus on your own world. This is just something we all have to wait out, so create a space or make your current one somewhere where you can feel safe. Eventually this will calm down but right now, continue to support yourself and treat yourself kindly. Go on walks if you can, if you can't maybe follow a yoga tutorial or play a physical game, be good to your body. Set up a routine, if you feel like your days are going by quickly give yourself some time in the day (maybe even 10 minutes) just to sit and think and watch, make yourself a cup of tea or something and just breathe. If you need someone to talk to, we're all here for you.
dimebag · 4 years ago
@mrscollector thank you for sharing. It really is hard dealing with all of this going on. I don't being stuck at home is the main reason I'm feeling like this but it's definitely a contributing factor.
@unklethan I haven't listened one before, but if you have a suggestion to one I'd listen.
@parisqeen yeah I think I spend too much time stressing, making sure everyone else is fine, I forget to take care of myself sometimes. It's something I forget to do a lot.
I appreciate all of you guys trying help
dimebag · 4 years ago
@adam44 lol sorry I didn't respond, but yeah I do have hobbies. I play some instruments and I play video games
ratfink11 · 4 years ago
It sucks. I just woke up screaming from a nightmare. I thought all the exercise today would be helped, but nope. I pray for us all everyday. Fighting off the depression is quit hard now. Have you tried any of the videos on youtube? I find the guided meditations and asmr vids very relaxing.
savage_demmigod · 4 years ago
I feel like everything has already been said.. keep strong and be kind to yourself. If you need anything we're here bud.
Keep on keeping on
adam44 · 4 years ago
What's your goal with your instruments? Ask yourself that and look at this as time given to expand your talents. Correct the way you think and you won't battle with anxiety or depression. When something is negative make it a positive. I've been worried as well so I focus on spending time getting familiar with my new rifle. It's a 1943 Lee Enfiled. Instead of thinking of how I may need to protect myself I think of the historical importance of the rifle. Try stuff like that.
dimebag · 4 years ago
I really appreciate all of the advice and kind words from all of you. I'm feeling much better today, thank you everyone.
@adam44 I mostly just want to get good enough at drums, bass, guitar and piano so that I can make my own music just by playing.
Also that's really cool. I've never even fired a gun before, something I definitely need to do
adam44 · 4 years ago
Well, start cranking out some music and focus on it. That will help you stay distracted. Everyone is talking panic right now. Stay informed but don't get wrapped up in it. You'll be just fine. I got three guns if you want to give it a whirl. Haha
chocolatefeces · 4 years ago
This should relax you a little.