spookykink58 · 4 years ago
Are you an idea outgoing person? Maybe it's because you are cooped up in the house.
savage_demmigod · 4 years ago
I actually normally live my life exactly like this. I go out of the house like twice a week normally.
Reckon its cause my extroverts are locked in with me. Makes being an introvert really annoying
spookykink58 · 4 years ago
Yeah that sucks. Even I don't feel a change.
But maybe its that? Micro stressors. Like when you are stuck in traffic, waiting for the elevator, etc.
cakelover · 4 years ago
Would you be interested in writing down what makes you angry?
I'm interested in these kinds of things
You don't actually have to share it with me, obviously, but I'd be open to reading and giving my thoughts
parisqeen · 4 years ago
It might not be related to being isolated but sometimes even the knowledge that we "cant" go outside rather than being able to have a choice can impact our mindset. If you're dealing with things that are emotionally taxing sometimes our brains don't like processing all of those emotions separately, so it resorts to shoving them all into the angry box. I would do what @cakelover said and try and write it down, I also find physical activity helps, so punch a pillow or something (without hurting yourself), listen to loud music and try to do some sit-ups, have an angry dance session. It's also important to let the people around you know you're not feeling 100% just so if you have an outburst, they're aware it's not their fault and you're working through something. If you can, try and notice some triggers if there are any and then when you feel yourself getting worse, immediately call yourself out, "I am feeling angry, this is okay, I don't like it but it will pass, I'm allowed to feel".
savage_demmigod · 4 years ago
I've also been having a fuckton of panic attacks and I'm so effing tired if it.
creativedragonbaby · 4 years ago
I think it’s an energy buildup.
Like, you’re home alone all the time, so you’re recharging but over-charging.
Anyway, my point is to do something physical. Tire yourself out
parisqeen · 4 years ago
What your feeling might not be anger then, it might just be anxiety, the body's response to both is pretty similar and both are extremely uncomfortable. Or it could be both but usually anxiety is the thing driving panic attacks, neither emotion is a fun one and I'm sorry you're going through this. Are there certain activities that always seem to help you calm down? Like for me, I like watching vids of my fav youtubers goofing off (it doesn't always work but it's a good distraction).
savage_demmigod · 4 years ago
I managed to do some gaming with friends and such. It's just getting more and more frequent and I can't work out what the triggers are which is driving me crazy
I appreciate all the kind words though. I just really needed to vent. Its fucking shit having to deal with anger when it's something I rarely experienced before
parisqeen · 4 years ago
I get that, honestly its my least favourite emotion I try to avoid it as often as possibly, so I feel your pain. I find I get really antsy and angry when I'm stressed, not really mad just I'm more likely to lash out or become irritated must faster. You could be very different but is there anything you can think of that might be making you particularly stressed? it could be a build up of things?
savage_demmigod · 4 years ago
That makes a lot of sense. I'll look into it