juliesmash · 4 years ago
I started a new campaign yesterday as Ayna Slycker ????
karlboll · 4 years ago
Bumbomb Bunnybopper - a War Domain Cleric.
mrfahrenheit · 4 years ago
Yarthon Garthon, Stretch Yoda, Dave
dr_richard_ew · 4 years ago
Long dong silver
juliesmash · 4 years ago
setsu · 4 years ago
Gareth Gobblecoque, the bard, of course
yamz · 4 years ago
Sir Sir the Sir
mrscollector · 4 years ago
My brother was a Dwarf named Rock stuck Hardplace he said but be buds call me Rock Stuck.
He also played a Kings Knight who believed in Lady Luck and the Goddess of Love for his Gods. His name was Sir Chance. Sir Last Chance for Romance.
Lol look up Donna Summer song Last Dance than you will get the reference.
I named my characters always with magical sounding names but my brother was always about the puns.
Like he had a magical dog that when not needed it turn to a small wooden figure he can pocket. He called it Stick because it could fetch its self he said lol.
He had a horse when he was a barbarian the horse you had to roll to see how fast or strong it was. Turned out it was slower than him but stronger so he put all his stuff on the horse and picked it up because when you left someone you don’t add how much weight they are carrying just how much they weigh. He would carry the horse like a back pack and run along side our horses. Lmfao he named his horse Oat eating Backpack lol
juliesmash · 4 years ago
Hahaha @mrscollector I'm loving the horse story!!
timebender25 · 4 years ago
I don't know how funny it is, but I once played a group of 5 skeletons where a two came in a pair. one was named Stanley, and the other was nameless. The nameless one spoke in the Stanley Parable Narrator voice and Stanley themself was silent. Nameless narrated Stanley, but never really Stanley's thoughts, he instead cast his own thoughts as Stanley's.

Before you ask, yes. One of the skeletons in the group, a gnome skeleton, was named Sans.
deleted · 4 years ago
Thot Grimmask. Gotta love random name generators