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mialinay · 4 years ago
I think I'll disconnect from the internet and any other form of media for 4 years then
spookykink58 · 4 years ago
Dunbasses always be dumbassin.
tarotnathers13th · 4 years ago
Hydroxychloroquine is not a suitable medicine for severe cases. In cases where the patient case is mild and non life threatening the medicine can help control cough and fever. In cases where the patient is essentially dying and in need of more effective treatment, it is not a wonder drug.
jmmcclain · 4 years ago
I hate him. I think people, including me, frequently ask the question: how did such a moron become president? But I mean we know how, enough Americans voted for him. I think maybe that part concerns me the most
metalman · 4 years ago
If you really wanna know why he got elected and why people would vote for an individual like him I can go into that on another chat if anyone would be interested.
mialinay · 4 years ago
My suspicion is that there's basically only two parties to choose from, and in each party not enough presidential candidates.
So you kinda pick the least bad from the party that you always stick with.
mialinay · 4 years ago
Also I don't get how only rich and famous people become candidates. What qualifies them?
mastapasta · 4 years ago
If he's the least bad wtf going on with america
mialinay · 4 years ago
I guess they misjudged it?
mialinay · 4 years ago
Also look at Biden. How can he run as a candidate, he obviously has clear signs of dementia.
metalman · 4 years ago
In essence the two party system in place is rank with cronyism and corruption. Only the rich and famous can become president is because media plays such a huge role in our elections. The horse and pony show that plays out every four years is a huge profit for the MSM. The thing that sells a presidential candidate is name recognition. If you'll look back at the past 20 years nearly every election has had a Bush or Clinton run for president. People like familiar names because they know what they'll be getting.
2016 is an anomaly though. Since the 2000's a divide has been brewing between left and right in the US. The left right divide became so prevalent that there were actual riots and violent protests in the streets during the election period. For many people the Obama administration did some good but left a sour taste in middle Americas mouth over the Obamacare act, amongst other things. Normally the swing of election would go right as the switch between left and right has been
metalman · 4 years ago
Since Bush sr. What changed was the media's portrayal of trump. The media in an attempt to discredit and dissuade voters from siding with Trump gave him extensive air time and coverage. This, having been coordinated with the DNC (democratic national convention), was meant to showcase the ridiculousness of the Republican ticket. While doing this though, instead of campaigning like normal, the front runner Hillary Clinton didn't campaign like a normal campaign. As trump became the nominee for the Republicans Hillary doubled down on the "I'm not trump card". The biggest things durinng this time was the email scandal and the deplorables speech she gave. We all know of the emails but not much is talked, outside of right wing circles, about her deplorables speech in which she decried anyone who wouldn't vote for her as "deplorables" and how ignorant/stupid they were. For many people on the fence these two things pushed a lot of middle america away from her.
metalman · 4 years ago
The thing was that Trump represented a shake up and is an outsider, which many voters have asked for for many years, whereas hillary was the standard corrupt politician whose been in a position of power since the 90's.
More than anything people are tired of the system as it stands because, at this point, the political parties combined don't accurately represent even 1/2 of the population. The only reason these entities are still in charge is money. I honestly have a bad feeling about the future of this country.
metalman · 4 years ago
The reason Biden won the nomination is because the DNC can easily control him. Whereas they couldn't control Sanders. Now that's not to say Sanders had much of a chance anyways. Honestly if the Democrats wanted to win the election, imo, Tulsi Gabbard should've been the nominee. She had the support of both middle right wind and left wing voters. Her years of service in the military would be a huge bonus amongst veterans and would bring a potentially new take on foreign policy, something the Trump administration has been floundering at. But I digress as bIden the marionette is easier to control. So long as they never let him speak outside of reading a script he should do okayish.
metalman · 4 years ago
The best tl;dr i can come up with is that Trump is a symptom, a very acute one, of the disease plagueing the US and that's partisanism. This us vs them mentality is quite literally tearing this country apart from the inside.
metalman · 4 years ago
A final note: idk how coherent that all was. I'm half asleep rn
mastapasta · 4 years ago
Vote for Lord Buckethead, who reappeared to fight Theresa May in 2017
abel_hazard · 4 years ago
Basically, we were doomed to a two party system as soon as we accepted first past the post voting. There are multiple other potential systems that at least partially protect against polarization.
mastapasta · 4 years ago
What if we just had Russian elections?
Or only elected based on the good you have done for the community
abel_hazard · 4 years ago
Or ranked choice like a sane country? That’s only one of the options.