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xvarnah · 3 years ago
Tbh I would gladly try and post more but the limit prevents it. I honestly think the only solution if we don't want to see funsub flatline is for more users contribute, but I have no idea how to entice people to do that
nicengelman · 3 years ago
Well the first thing we should do is kill that limit, come up with a verified user system or something. We also need to adjust the restrictions on the size of what can be posted. I tried to post regularly for a while but got tired of having to either crop or edit every single thing I tried to post. It often just isn't easy to post here
hyperion · 3 years ago
I post once in a while. But I do hate the bots.
We also need to stimulate the communities creativeness. Like chats need to be better and improved. Wish we could image react or emote react
hyperion · 3 years ago
A little more interaction
mrfahrenheit · 3 years ago
I'm not sure how new user inflow is doing, but I think getting that up is probably a decent thing to try
catfluff · 3 years ago
I don't agree with image or emote reacts, Funsub has a clean interface which is one of the reasons I prefer this site over others
xvarnah · 3 years ago
Well and just to reiterate, I know a lot of you guys do post. When I say "regularly" I was meaning like pretty much once a day or at least every other day, often more than once a day.
As for "new users," I'm afraid that feels like a bit of a catch 22. We want new users for more content but without content it's very hard to get new users. I have seen a few bopping about. Or else they're very old users that rarely speak haha
I do kind of agree with catfluff. I know superdave was working on the new format awhile back and it already felt a bit cluttered, and I'm not super interested in emojis. But that's just my preference
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
The reality is that FS is a pretty small community. Maybe a couple of dozen people are regulars. It stays afloat from ad revenue and if they don’t have content they can’t sell ad space. I doubt it’s a very profitable property and is probably one of many in the owner’s portfolio. New users doesn’t do any good if they don’t become daily active users. Find out why people aren’t engaging and that number will go up and FS along with it.
gummy · 3 years ago
Bot post is the reason for degrading quality and users leaving. Haven't you felt like hitting the x button after a few posts? I mean you guys are posting this because you feel the content needs better quality. Create a new tab for user post only and see the analytics. How many would go through all post that includes bots vs user post tab? See the interactions. Think that could be helpful in determining whether the site needs bot posts or not.
SuperDave · 3 years ago
@nicengelman can you please elaborate on the " size restriction" I see we have an 8MB size limit and I just uploaded as a test a 2560x1500 image. I think these are large sizes, I could be wrong. In regard to bots its a tricky thing, if we remove them completely I dont think we will have enough content for new users to browse or for existing users to keep coming back. The easiest thing here is to keep reporting the posts we dont want, I've been trying to filter as many as I can, to be honest I think bots bring more good posts than bad ones, again I could be wrong.
hyperion · 3 years ago
Maybe consider increasing the limit on how many users can have a star to their name or have different colored stars like yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily?
Could encourage users to be more active and post more content. Make new people feel special and stay while also making older users and posters stay active to keep their place
nicengelman · 3 years ago
@superdave for example the military portrait mockups, mine is about 5 megabytes and it's considered too large
nicengelman · 3 years ago
Also, I do think it's worth pointing out that we have a user that dedicates himself to completing the captions on bot posts that were meant for other websites, and has done so hundreds and hundreds of times
SuperDave · 3 years ago
size limit increased.
nicengelman · 3 years ago
@superdave well damn, you're awesome man
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
@SuperDave Any chance you can allow concurrent carriage returns in the comments so that you don’t have to put a period on a line to add spacing?
deleted · 3 years ago
That was quick.
nicengelman · 3 years ago
I should add that I'm not saying my opinion is the only one in the world that matters and all, I just wanted to open a dialogue about the subject
222daisy · 3 years ago
Can I just say how much I appreciate @SuperDave 's responsiveness