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guest_ · 3 years ago
In practice- many of the systems designed to keep illiterate dirt farmers from deciding the fate of a nation- met with an increasing level of sophisticated sleaze and self interest in politicians- have combined to create s bulwark that actually puts the majority of power in the hands of people who are not acting with the best interests of the constitutional republic in mind but are acting with the interest of self and economics in mind. And thusly- we get a choice between shit sandwiches hand picked for us.
blazingfrags · 3 years ago
That method of choose a person by people who are experts seems good on paper like as you said now they are just acting for themselves rather than nation, altho no democracy or government is perfect but this delusion of choice is just over the top
guest_ · 3 years ago
It is. But it’s all just flavors or poop no matter where you go in the world. There just aren’t really any major nations where control isn’t in the hands of an elite group. This is pretty much through all of recorded human history. There are still people who think that the USSR was a great place to live, that there was freedom of the “right kind” there. For some that may be true.
guest_ · 3 years ago
Monarchy had people put their faith in social order, in the divine or birth right of a ruling class. This fell out of favor around the world over a period of a few hundred years- in dictatorships we tend to see rebels fighting dictators to install new dictators. In countries with royals we saw people rise up and demand some form of government “by the people.” But there isn’t an example of a modern, lasting, prosperous and secure nation where the citizens actually directly run the government or make those choices- save for examples where we generally have populations and population growth of limited size and relative homogeneous populations by strong majority.
guest_ · 3 years ago
But in the era of “government by the people” it is still largely just about crafting the best illusion to make people feel like they have a choice. Looking at America- marijuana and gay marriage were federally outlawed for a century or so. Cities and jurisdictions began to “decriminalize” it- that’s where it’s still illegal but police generally so t arrest you unless someone complains and judges will basically let you walk away on the charges unless they decide they want to make an example of your or don’t like you.
guest_ · 3 years ago
Then entire states started to essentially rebel- refuse to follow federal law. Within a few years these things that had gone on the whole time and been selectively enforced- were legal. Not because of democratic process. If you make. Law and no one follows it- you lose authority. If you make a law in a democratic republic and everywhere you look the overwhelming majority do not want to support it- it makes your legitimacy as a representative of the people questionable.
guest_ · 3 years ago
So these laws weren’t changed because of democracy. They were changed to maintain the illusion of democracy and keep authority. If everyone breaks the law and you erase that law- you still look like you’re in charge.
guest_ · 3 years ago
But it’s like this everywhere sadly. The illusion of choice. Most people don’t care if you take away a freedom they don’t plan to use. If you don’t go to church and aren’t religious- a country that makes church illegal isn’t taking away a choice because you wouldn’t choose to use that. If you’re born in a country without church- not having church is normal to you and you probably won’t get why anyone would even want to go to church- many people in countries with churches don’t get why. Lol.
guest_ · 3 years ago
And that’s basically it. If you look at most countries their systems will seem kinda silly. It doesn’t really matter though- the system merely has to be a system that masses of people will follow. Happy people rarely revolt. If people are happy- they usually have no reason to risk that on revolution. People who feel they have a voice- weather they really do or not- seldom revolt. And happy people who at least THINK they have a voice, will almost never revolt.
guest_ · 3 years ago
A system built on the PRINCIPAL of self governance has two inherent safety valves. Anything you don’t like- you can blame a politician. They take the blame. We seldom blame all the aids and lieutenants and others who actually influence and make and control things- we blame the higher executives. The ones we know- presidents and governors and senators and mayors.
guest_ · 3 years ago
The other safety valve is to blame each other and ourselves. Since it’s an elected government” if you don’t like things- the system blames you. Didn’t vote? Your fault. Voted for the thing? Your fault. Voted against the the thing? Your fault. You should have helped campaign and get others to vote and.. blah blah. And we can blame each other. “It isn’t my fault- I voted for the other guy!” We don’t actually ever know the “other guy” would have been better or worse.
guest_ · 3 years ago
So whoever supports the “winning” candidate is at a disadvantage because bad things WILL happen and their vote can be blamed. The loser- you can speculate all day that they would have done so much better if they got elected. And while we are all blaming each other and ourselves and the person in the most visible office- the non elected officials running the operations of government- often for decades or generations- go un noticed largely and keep their power.
guest_ · 3 years ago
The people behind the scenes keep their power and usually go unscathed. Basically every political system on earth is created by people with power, ran by people with power, and inherently thusly truly serves people with power.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
And then ever once in awhile you get a Kanye West going full jackass.
guest_ · 3 years ago
You never go FULL jackass.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
blazingfrags · 3 years ago
@guest_ you put it together really well I couldn't have said it better
blazingfrags · 3 years ago
@guest_ you put it together really well I couldn't have said it better
blazingfrags · 3 years ago
Wait Kanye is in for real?..like which party is supporting him since 2 parties are already in
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
Kanye is trying, and has gotten on a few states' ballots, but he's already missed too many to have an actual shot... it's all just playing on some people's stupidity or ignorance in an effort to deprive Biden of votes.