tarotnathers13th · 3 years ago
Believe only half of what you see, and none of what you hear.
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Maybe they were telling you that the same reason you hate that person is the same things you hate in yourself?
Like if you think they are to loud or lazy maybe that is how you think you are.
Maybe if you try to improve the things you hate them for in yourself you might love yourself better.
To me it sounds like they gave you a Road map to loving your self better.
guest_ · 3 years ago
Dream interpretation is tricky. You have to ask- do you hate yourself? Often times we don’t- but it’s also often that the things we hate in others are what we hate in ourselves. A person may hate an addict for example- because to them that addiction represents weakness, and that person has worked hard to get rid of what they see as weakness in themselves. And so forth. But- it’s also possible- that it is more abstract. There are theories that we are all one person, or one entity- possibly just the universe trying to understand itself. In that context- seeing another is to see ourselves. Hating another is to hate ourselves.
guest_ · 3 years ago
But I don’t know. Sometimes dreams don’t really have meaning at all either. Sometimes there’s no symbolism- or sometimes it’s not what we think- sometimes a spoon is a spoon and has no greater meaning, sometimes a spoon represents the concept of micro economics in the Byzantine Empire. If you are honest with yourself and don’t lead yourself to an answer you want to think or is the most straight forward- you’ll find whatever truth may be within your dream. If you think you hate yourself- ask why, and what you can do about it. You seem like a swell sort who is well liked by others. So there would have to be some bias or distortion of perception there.